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Too few players on open-source field
THE NSW Government's multimillion-dollar pursuit of a level playing field for open source software may be troubled by a shortage of open source specialists.
Open-Source Developers Cheer New Linux Base Standard
The Free Standards Group's updated standard will improve Linux code portability and interoperability, developers say, and reduce the worry of platform fragmentation.
Novell to Help Port Applications to Linux
To help bolster its Linux operating system, Novell and partners are setting up a new initiative to help customers and companies port applications to Linux.
Open-Source Tools to the Rescue
SystemRescueCD is a great open-source tool that provides lots of capable features for repartitioning, imaging and repairing computer systems.
DNALinux 0.37 screenshot slideshow
"At GenesDigitales we are proud to announce the last version of DNALinux. This version includes one of most requested features: Programming languajes like C, Perl and Python. Now DNALinux users can compile programs. Another requested feature included is the JAVA runtime enviroment (JRE)." -
Package Management: APT for RPM
I have been a big fan of apt4rpm ever since I worked at Conectiva (the guys who created the thing). Managing Red Hat and Fedora servers without it would be a PITA. Sadly, I see lots of people who don't know about it, or know, but don't use it to its fullest. So, here's a few tips...
Review: Yoper Linux v2.1
Qub333 has written a review of Yoper Linux v2.1 here. Yoper's claim to fame is the speed at which it runs, out of the box. Yoper is a distro that targets the desktop Linux user from a brand new convert to the legendary guru.
Internet standards body rejects Sender ID proposal
The Internet Engineering Task Force has rejected Microsoft's Sender ID proposal due to the company's refusal to reveal details of a possible patent application on its proposed technology.
How to migrate from Ximian Evolution to Mozilla Thunderbird
I've always liked Mozilla Mail -- when I have to use Windows, it's my preferred email client. So naturally I've kept an eye on the Mozilla Thunderbird standalone email application and given it a test drive or two. When the latest release hit the Internet a few weeks ago I decided that perhaps, as with the Firefox browser, it was finally time for me to make the switch.
Linux standard gains big-name backers
A number of software makers and well-known IT vendors have agreed to endorse
the Free Standards Group's latest Linux standard to help create common ground for companies building open-source technologies, the organization said Monday.
Penguin Europe: The EuroLugs network project
Last April, many GNU/Linux users, organized by the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), met in Brussels to demonstrate before the European Parliament (EP) against the introduction of software patents in the European Union. During the event, further protests were coordinated for the following month in many European cities. Eventually, the guys in Brussels found themselves asking, why don't we do this systematically? More precisely, why don't we create EuroLugs, a permanent network of all European LUGS and FLOSS associations, so we can act faster, all together and more effectively?
Novell Releases New Linux Management Tool
Novell's latest ZENWorks program can manage multiple Linux systems over a network.
How to Use ZenTest with Ruby
An introduction to using refactoring, unit testing and ZenTest on existing code.
Firefox Preview Release and Thunderbird 0.8 Available
Mozilla Foundation Adds New Features to Firefox and Thunderbird as New Apps Near 1.0 Launch.
First Security Bug Bounty Payments Awarded
Mozilla Foundation announces first payments of security bug bounty program, further strengthens browser security.
Sun sets up open-source Solaris project
Sun Microsystems will create an open-source project around its Solaris 10 operating system by the end of the year, company executives said on Monday.
Novell sees a 'both-source' future
Novell asserts that the future of software development will not be found in the open-source or proprietary models, but in one that combines the best of both worlds--or "both source" as the company calls it.
iTools' Value Less for Linux Users
iTools for Red Hat Linux and Fedora Linux don't provide the same level of value for open-source operating system users as their Mac OS counterpart.
Can open source software free your mind?
How do you organize all those little notes and ideas that you have spread out all over the place in a way that you can actually use them and make have them make some sense? That's one of the goals of a class of software known as mind mapping. Once the realm only of high-priced commercial applications, there is now at least one open source option. It's called FreeMind and it's licensed under the GPL.
Moving to the Linux Business Desktop
I've read countless articles debating whether Linux is ready for the desktop showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of this OS. This book goes beyond that discussion as the author doesn't think Linux is just ready for the desktop but for the business desktop. Did Gagne manage to guide the reader as well as in his previous books? Read on and find out.
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