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KOffice 1.3.3 Released
The KOffice team is happy to bring you the third bugfix package that builds upon the previous 1.3.x versions, with many fixes, mainly in the core libraries and in some filters. But there is also a fully new and complete translation for KOffice: Welsh. See the release notes and the complete list of changes.
VMWare reveals Ace in the hole
Using its strengths in virtual machine technology, VMWare Inc. on Monday unwrapped new beta software for the desktop that allows administrators to more securely deploy and mange work environments outside the corporate network.
Mandrake updates Linux and prepares for acquisitions
MandrakeSoft SA has updated its version of the Linux operating system and has announced plans to raise $7.3m via a capital share increase and move to the Euronext Nouveau Marche in order to fund and facilitate new acquisitions.
Vectorlinux 4.3 released.
The Vector Linux team is proud to announce the release of VectorLinux 4.3. This small 326 MB download provides you a complete and fast desktop solution, even suitable for older hardware.
Councils push open source
New Zealand’s local authorities have come out in support of open source software to encourage more IT use in the community. In their collective response to the government’s draft ICT strategy, local authorities point to government’s broad agreement with the principles of last year’s Worldwide Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
Linux small business servers
Most companies with more than 25 people have their own information technology personnel, hardware, and infrastructure. Where does that leave the small and medium business (SMB) for IT services and systems? Microsoft's Windows Small Business Server 2003 seems like an obvious choice for businesses that already have a big commitment or investment in Windows-based systems, and Novell offers a Small Business Suite for the NetWare faithful, but open source software offers its own small and medium business server options.
Solaris Goes Open Source
Sun's partners and customers welcome open-source initiative, but hurdles remain.
Announcing Fedora Core 3 Test 2
Coming soon to a site near you... for the first time, it's the new, digitally remastered, Fedora Core 3 Test 2!
VMware aims to secure network sharing
VMware, a maker of software that enables computers to run multiple operating systems simultaneously, is working on a new product to make it secure for corporations to open their networks to contractors or telecommuters.
L-I-N-D-O-W-S for sale on eBay
Have you ever wished you had started and owned Lindows instead of Michael Robertson? After all, the upstart Linux distribution first gained huge notoriety by pulling on the whiskers of the Microsoft monopoly, then by losing a few rounds in court as Gates and company went global court-shopping, but finally banking hundreds of millions of dollars to settle the suit Microsoft had filed against it here in the U.S. Well, whip out your credit card, because you can pick up L-I-N-D-O-W-S right now on eBay for a starting bid of just a couple hundred dollars. The original Lindows signage, that is.
Security fears spark move to Linux in Iran
Iran has become the latest country to edge towards ditching the ubiquitous Microsoft computer operating system in favour of the open-source Linux solution, even if its refusal to abide by copyright laws means that the Islamic republic does not pay a penny to Bill Gates.
How Does Open Source Technology Affect Marketing?
Linux and other open source software are a major disruptive force in IT. Big industry players such as IBM and Novell have aligned their businesses behind open source, while Microsoft views it as a threat to its hegemony. New business models are being invented and reinvented daily as companies new and old try to figure out how they make money when core elements of the software stack are free.
Firefox downloads top 1m in under four days
Over a million copies of the open source browser Firefox have been downloaded in a little over four days after the 1.0 preview release was put up on the web, according to information at the SpreadFirefox blog.
Review of UserLinux Beta LiveCD has published a quick review of the latest UserLinux Beta LiveCD (version 0.2) with Gnome 2.6. It includes many screenshots, as well as general information on this distribution.
Linux Standard Base Advances
Version 2.0 supports 32, 64 bits; gains industry support.
Linux Revisits Algebra Class
Another classroom success story, thanks to the affordability and flexibility of Linux.
SourceXtreme aims to move Windows developers to Linux
A small Philadelphia-based company may be about to revolutionize the world of Windows application development, not by creating a new proprietary technology, but by bringing proprietary Windows features to Linux. Working with Qt, Trolltech's cross-platform toolkit, MinGW, a minimalist set of GNU utilities for Windows, and Wine, a free implementation of the Windows API, SourceXtreme, Inc. has developed the ability to write Windows programs without ever using Windows. Its goal is to make porting applications to Qt trivial, and to move Windows developers onto a free software platform.
Via gives away disk-scrubbing software
In an effort to promote a new processor feature, Via Technologies has released open-source software for thoroughly erasing deleted files.
Asynchronous I/O for Oracle9iR2( on Linux 2.6.8
Download aio-stress.c from [1] and compile
gcc -Wall -laio -lpthread -o aio-stress aio-stress.c
Run aio-stress tests and make sure kernel does support AIO
NetFront: The Fast GTK+ Browser you Never Knew Existed
A few days ago we read about the Deli Linux, which aims to fill-in the gap of Linux distros in the 486/586 machine range by running lightweight/older applications. The disto comes with Dillo and Links as its browsers, but I bet there aren't many people who know that there is yet another very lightweight browser for GTK+ 1.2.x and it is more powerful and more memory-optimized than Dillo: Access' NetFront. Check for info and screenshots inside.
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