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Arc 700 Core Receives New Linux Support
ARC International, a manufacturer of configurable CPU/DSP processor cores and application platforms, today announced embedded Linux support for its latest configurable processor core: the ARC 700.
PHP 5.0.2 Released
This is a maintenance release that in addition to many non-critical bug fixes, addresses a problem with GPC input processing.
An Interview with Tom Lord of Arch
Version control systems are a tool close to any programmer's heart and a lot has been made of advancements in Subversion, but there is another version control system out there that completely redefines the boundaries of how such a system should work. Tom Lord is the author of the Arch Revision Control System. OSDir interviews Tom on the story behind Arch and just how different it is from what you're likely using today.
Linux public access computing delivers extreme ROI
Userful corporation is taking on the public access computing market with software that enables a Linux PC to connect up to 10 monitors, giving each user the experience of being connected to a standalone computer. The Canadian company’s “1-Box” approach lets up to ten users can browse the Internet, send email and run applications from one computer. The strategy eliminates the need for servers and networking equipment, save significant money on hardware and is deployed in several libraries in that country. The company also gives some environmental impact savings on ewaste and energy due to their solution.
Open Source Content Management with Plone
This article gives a high-level overview of what Plone is capable of, with pointers to resources to help you get started on the path to building your own Plone site. Future articles will pick up where this one leaves off, exploring topics such as defining workflows, skinning a site, and creating new content types quickly.
Busy month for JBoss
September has been a busy month for JBoss with three significant announcements. JBoss describes itself as the professional open source company and its core product is JBoss Application Server.
Hardening the PAM framework
In yesterday's article we began looking at how PAM can securely authenticate Windows users. Today we'll check the PAM framework, harden the basic services that we expect to authenticate to, and look at new PAM modules that might make our systems more secure.
France awards contract for secure Linux system
A five-company consortium has been awarded a €7 million three-year contract by the French Ministry of Defence to build a Linux-based multi-level secure operating system.
LSB aims to thwart Linux fragmentation
The release of Version 2.0 of the Linux Standards Base last week is one of the strongest efforts yet by the Linux community to avoid the mistakes of its Unix technology ancestors.
Linux proof of open-source software success
By now, nearly everyone has heard of the Linux operating system. Less have used it, and even less actually understand the principles on which it is based. Linux, more formally known as GNU/Linux, is an operating system that is rapidly growing in popularity and is freely available to the public under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Exactly how can such a powerful software suite be figuratively thrown out the window for all to take?
Sarge based Guadalinex 2004 RC5 screenshots has put together a screenshot slideshow of this Spanish Debian Sarge based distro.
KOffice now available in Welsh
Linux users in Wales now have a choice of two office suites. was released in Welsh last month, and now Kywaith Kyfieithu has announced a Welsh version of the new KOffice 1.3.3.
Sun Said To Table Linux Purchase
Sun Microsystems has apparently backed away from its efforts to acquire a Linux software distribution -- for now. The Santa Clara, Calif., network computer maker had been looking to augment its enterprise portfolio, sources told this week. But has learned that preliminary discussions between top Sun and MontaVista executives became terse, stalling because MontaVista CEO Jim Ready may not be ready to sell.
Rumors Aside, Browser Is a Logical Step for Google
Google needs a browser, say the experts. It is the next piece of its evolution. Besides, the company's innovative toolbar has been watered down by the offerings of competitors. It no longer differentiates Google. "The next level is controlling the application," says Meta Group analyst Tim Hickernell.
Living in Emacs
This tutorial gives you a guide to the basics of using Emacs, a popular modeless text editor with many powerful features. The tutorial covers fundamental concepts and common activities, and then builds on those foundations to quickly familiarize you with this excellent editor.
Linux in Government: CORE.GOV
Taking a page from OSS for improving interagency collaboration.
HP's NX5000 Linux notebook: A breach of the Windows wall?
This article is supposed to be a review of the first PC with a Linux distribution preloaded offered by a tier-one OEM to the general public. As announced during the Linux World Conference and Expo in August, the NX5000 is available -- only online at HP -- preloaded with your choice of a custom version of SUSE 9.1 or Windows XP. You can purchase the NX5000 at other online resellers, but only with Windows installed. This isn't quite the review I hoped for, but it's as close as we could get.
Open-Source Copyright Conflict Heats Up
A quick resolution to the Mambo open-source copyright dispute seems unlikely now that one of the parties has rejected an offer for mediation.
Mandrake gets contract to boost Linux security
A consortium including Mandrakesoft, the Paris-based Linux seller that recently exited bankruptcy protection, has won a three-year contract worth 7 million euro ($8.6 million) to improve Linux security.
Danish government agency opts for open source
The Ministry of Finance in Denmark has implemented an open-source project to simplify data exchange between systems.
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