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( 1 ... 2 ) Next »Installing and Setting up JavaFX for NetBeans and Eclipse IDE
Today, in the age of Web 2.0, AJAX, and the iPhone, users have come to expect their applications to provide a dynamic and engaging user interface that delivers rich graphical content, audio, and video, all wrapped in GUI controls with animated cinematic-like interactions. They want their applications to be connected to the web of information and social networks available on the Internet.
Blender 3D 2.9: Working with Textures
In this article we will take the realism of our scenes to a higher level using textures. With textures, the "magic" really happens! There are basically two types of textures, which are procedural and non-procedural textures. For us, the bitmap textures will be used most often, to allow us to create scenes with more realism.
JasperReports 3.6: Creating a Report from XML Data using XPath
XML is a popular data source used in many applications. JasperReports allows you to generate reports directly from XML data. This first section of the article teaches you how to connect iReport to an XML file stored on your PC. In the second section of this article you will create a report from data stored in an XML file. In order to process an XML file and extract information from it, JasperReports uses XPath, which is a popular query language to filter XML data. So you will also learn how to use XPath expressions for report generation.
User Authentication with Codeigniter 1.7 using Twitter oAuth
User authentication is an important part of many applications. Let's look at how we would utilize third-party authentication methods. oAuth is an open protocol for secure user authentication across APIs. It allows users to gain limited access to websites by using their Twitter credentials. It's a very sound method of user authentication, and doesn't take too much work to get going. Twitter oAuth is used by hundreds of third-party Twitter clients and mashups—just to give you an idea of how useful it can be. In this article we will: * Learn how Twitter oAuth works * Create a library for authentication * Utilize the library in order to create an application to demonstrate how it works
Scaling your Application Across Nodes with Spring Python's Remoting
Spring Python offers a clean cut way to take simple applications and split them out between multiple machines using remoting techniques that can be seamlessly injected without causing code rewrite headaches. Spring Python makes it easy to utilize existing technologies, while also being prepared to support ones not yet designed. In this article we will learn how: * Pyro provides a nice Python-to-Python remoting capability to easily create client-server applications * Spring Python seamlessly integrates with Python so that your application doesn't have to learn the API * You can convert a simple application into a distributed one, all on the same machine * It takes little effort to rewire an application by splitting it up into parts, plugging in a round-robin queue manager, and running multiple copies of the server with no impact to our business logic
Creating a NHibernate session to access database within ASP.NET
NHibernate is an open source object-relational mapper, or simply put, a way to rapidly retrieve data from your database into standard .NET objects. This article teaches you how to create NHibernate sessions, which use database sessions to retrieve and store data into the database. In this article we'll talk about: * What is an NHibernate session? * How does it differ from a regular database session? * Retrieving and committing data * Session strategies for ASP.NET
Blender 2.49 Scripting: Impression using Different Mesh on Each Frame of Object
Having covered what script links and space handlers are in the previous article, we will take the discussion further on how Python can be used in Blender. Although softbody and cloth simulators that are available in Blender do an excellent job in many situations, sometimes you want to have more control over the way a mesh is deformed or simulate some specific behavior that is not quite covered by Blender's built-in simulators. This article shows how to calculate the deformation of a mesh that is touched, but not penetrated by another mesh.
Compiling and Running Handbrake in Ubuntu
Handbrake is considered the Swiss Army knife of video conversion tools. Running on the three major operating system platforms, Handbrake can open a huge variety of formats, including common ones that others can't handle (like the titles in the MPEG TS structure of a DVD). Handbrake outputs to a small selection of efficient formats, including H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-4 ASP and Theora video. It has advanced features including chapter marking, subtitle inclusion and audio selection, plus filters for optimising video. On Linux, Handbrake can make use of the libdvdcss2 library to decrypt CSS-protected DVDs in-place during encoding, saving the need to use DVD Decrypter or another tool, usually through Wine. This article will guide you through the process for building Handbrake, installing it and converting video with it.
Blender 2.49 Scripting: Shape Keys, IPOs, and Poses
The Blender API provides us with the means to define IPOs from scratch, enabling the definition of movements not easily re-created by setting key frames by hand. Thus there is more to IPOs than just driving one IPO by another one. Furthermore, Shape keys and poses are examples of (collections of) IPOs that are quite different from, for example, a location IPO. We will encounter both shape keys and poses later on in this article, but we will start off with looking at how we might define an IPO from scratch.
Control of File Types in Ubuntu
Ubuntu uses advanced systems for detecting file types and associating them with applications, but it's not that hard to dive in and take some control over the formats. In this article you'll learn how Ubuntu identifies file types, how to use Assogiate to control these processes, using Ubuntu Tweak to associate types with applications and use Bless to inspect binary files.
Customized Effects with jQuery 1.4
The jQuery library provides several techniques for adding animation to a web page. These include simple, standard animations that are frequently used and the ability to craft sophisticated custom effects. In this article we'll closely examine each of the effect methods, revealing all of the mechanisms jQuery has for providing customised visual feedback to the user.
Recording an Interview with Skype using Audacity 1.3
In a previous article we described everything that you need to know about recording voice tracks. In this article we will learn all the details of using third-party internet telephony software such as Skype to record telephone interviews. We will also cover how to set up a timed recording.
Installation of Drupal and Ubercart 2.x
This article is a quick installation reference for Drupal, the required Drupal modules, and Ubercart. Ubercart is not a standalone e-commerce application, but it comes as a Drupal module. That means you have to first install Drupal and all the required Drupal modules on a server with the minimum requirements, before installing Ubercart.
Importing and Adding Background Music with Audacity 1.3
You can use Audacity to import music into your project, convert different audio files from one format to another, bring in multiple files and convert them, and more. In this article we will learn how to add background music into your podcast, overdub, and fade in and out. We will also discuss some additional information about importing music from CDs, cassette tapes, and vinyl records.
Network Based Ubuntu Installations
This article outlines how to install Ubuntu using the network installer. This utility allows you to install directly over the network, instead of using a CD or DVD image. It does require a small CD boot image, but beyond that it is entirely network dependent. These steps can be used to install over the WAN from a public Ubuntu repository, or over the LAN from an exported Ubuntu CD or private repository. Network installations are generally faster than CD based installations, particularly when done over a Local Area Network.
Melody: The Other Movable Type
Melody is an open source content management system for bloggers and publishers where its community of users and contributors is its most important feature. This article covers the salient features of Melody and how a vibrant community is the foundation on which all successful products and services are built today. The article also guides us through the setup process for pre-1.0 build of Melody, while the full 1.0 revision shouldn’t be more than a few months around the corner.
Graphical User Interfaces for OpenSIPS 1.6
It is very hard to manage thousands of users manually, so a user-provisioning tool becomes very important in our process. In this article by Flavio E.Goncalves, we are going to see two of these tools—SerMyAdmin and OpenSIPS Control Panel (OpenSIPS-CP). SerMyAdmin is more focused on the administration of the users, while OpenSIPS-CP is excellent for monitoring and provisioning parameters to the system.
Installation of OpenSIPS 1.6
he installation is just the beginning of the work. It is very important to install OpenSIPS correctly from the source code. It can be installed much faster from the Debian packages or using the apt-get utility. However, installation from the source code is much more flexible as it allows you to select the modules to be compiled.
Developing Applications with JBoss and Hibernate
In this article we will introduce Hibernate, which is the de facto standard object-relational mapping framework for Java applications. The Hibernate galaxy is quite large and needs a book of its own to be fully explored. Our mission will be to take over one sector of this galaxy, especially where Hibernate applications are managed by JBoss AS. In this two-part article, we will cover the following topics: * A short introduction to Hibernate * Setting up our proof of concept for the Hibernate project * Reverse engineering a database schema into Hibernate POJOs and mapping files * Deploying the application to JBoss AS * Comparing the Hibernate technology with EJB 3 persistence (JPA)
Install GNOME-Shell on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
This article outlines the steps required to install and run the latest previews of GNOME Shell, which will become GNOME 3.0. The final release isn't scheduled until later this year, but there are preview snapshots available for testing and feedback. Installation of GNOME Shell can be done alongside your normal installation, so you don't need to worry about it interfering with your regular desktop.