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If you are a webmaster who uses a news feed from one of the other Linux news sites, you are missing out! Use LXer's free (in every sense) syndication files instead of the other guys.


1. Open content. Our newswire database is completely open and available under an Open Content license. Related to that is:

2. The links to the stories don't force your users to come to LXer first, then on to the full story. Instead, we provide the direct external link along with the feed. We are the only Linux news website providing this level of service.

3. Feel good about using and supporting a website that truly believes in open and free information.

Our news is available in RDF format and can be found at:

If you want to include our logo above the newswire syndication, feel free. Here is a smaller version, should you want one:

If you do syndicate our news, would you let us know so that we can link to you?