Yankee Group Still Doesn't Get It

Posted by swhiser on Aug 17, 2005 11:55 AM EDT
Newsfactor Network; By Sam Hiser
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Despite neutral-sounding statements about Total Cost of Ownership ("TCO") of Linux v. Windows -- and even some surprisingly insightful comments -- a lady who used to shill for Microsoft is still shilling, arguing that large organizations should not switch. Her sophistry is as transparent as glass.

Mixed in with statements that can only sponsor derisive laughter among people who actually use and administer Linux and Windows systems (desktops as well as servers), the lady says:

"But, contrary to what the headlines would have us believe, the biggest threat to Microsoft's continued dominance, at present, is not Linux. It is older versions of Windows. [My italics.]"

She would be accurate to say, 'The biggest challenge to Microsoft is "pulling up" its old customers into new versions of its software.'

In fact, the biggest threat to Microsoft is the rollover of over 50% of its installed base from older versions of Windows to Linux.

Yankee Group must get serious if it wants to add value to its paying clients.

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