GPLFlash lives again

Posted by dave on Jun 2, 2005 7:30 AM EDT
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The original GPLFlash project, which was meant to bring to GNU/Linux the ability to play Macromedia Flash movies, stalled when Macromedia released a 32-bit binary Flash Player for Linux. Because of that, and because of a lack of development help, the last significant update to GPLFlash was in June 2000. But in the past year there has been a surge in developer interest in the GPLFlash project, and now it's back, with greater stability and fewer bugs. Unfortunately, it would take a complete rewrite of GPLFlash to play the vastly different Flash 6 and Flash 7 file formats. That's why GPLFlash2 is now under development, with the goal of being a fully Flash 7-compliant replacement for the restrictively licensed Macromedia Flash Player and browser plugin.

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Why should FOSS users reinvent the wheel? peragrin 12 1,610 Jun 3, 2005 4:32 AM

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