LXer Feature: 29-Jun-2014
The big news to hit the LXer Newswire this week includes Jim Zemlin pumping up Linux to Wall Street, a cool distro categorization tool made by the Berkeley LUG, where KDE is going, a couple of Linux sysadmin articles, the Supreme Court puts Aereo out of business and why should you run Linux on IBM Power hardware? Good question.. Enjoy!
Staying free should GCC allow non-free plug ins?: Arguments in favour of the use of non-free plug-ins in GCC have again been raised on GCC mailing-lists, but are trumped by the arguments for GCC as a vehicle for free software development. Once again, Gcc and its lack of modularity has been raised as an issue and contrasted with LLVm, the new compiler on the block. GCC is huge and venerable: 5 million lines, 30 years, and growing. LLVM, in contrast, is relatively youthful and modular and allows free and proprietary languages to be added as modules.
7 Improvements The Linux Desktop Needs: In the last fifteen years, the Linux desktop has gone from a collection of marginally adequate solutions to an unparalleled source of innovation and choice. Many of its standard features are either unavailable in Windows, or else available only as a proprietary extension. As a result, using Linux is increasingly not only a matter of principle, but of preference as well.
Steps to diversity in your open source group: Coraline Ehmke has developed apps for the web for 20 years. In that time, she's learned a lot about open source culture and what makes a community of contributors tick. At the Great Wide Open conference this year, Coraline gave a talk about diversity in open source.
Top 3 open source business intelligence and reporting tools: This article reviews three top open source business intelligence and reporting tools. In economies of big data and open data, who do we turn to in order to have our data analysed and presented in a precise and readable format? This list covers those types of tools. The list is not exhaustive—I have selected tools that are widely used and can also meet enterprise requirements. And, this list is not meant to be a comparison—this is a review of what is available.
Jim Zemlin to Wall Street: Why open source will lead the way: Linux Foundation executive director Jim Zemlin talks to Wall Street about tomorrow's technology and what role open source will play. At the invitation only Linux Enterprise End-User Summit held at the Convene Center Financial District, Jim Zemlin, the Linux Foundation's executive director, told an audience of several hundred Wall Street executives and top Linux developers what he sees as the future of technology.
A June ’14 Distro Categorization: I thought it might help a few people (including myself!) to perform the following categorized and referenced summary of the current “families” of non-commercial Linux distros. All of these distros have brief descriptions and rankings at the DistroWatch.com listing site.
Mozilla to cram a full web-dev IDE inside Firefox browser: All of the major web browser vendors now ship developer tools with their products, but Mozilla is planning to go whole hog by building a full integrated development environment (IDE) for web apps right into its Firefox browser.
Linux system administration part 1: What does it take to be a system administrator? Find out how to equip yourself with the skills you need to start a new career in Linux. Being a system administrator is a sometimes strange and difficult role: nobody knows you exist unless there is a problem, and then it’s instantly considered your fault. Your number one priority is to enable your users or developers unimpeded access to systems you are managing. If there’s a problem it needs to be solved as swiftly and efficiently as possible. You need to see and understand the problems before they come up. Do you still want to be a system administrator? If so, what are the core tasks? How can you become a better system administrator? We’ll be answering all these questions and more over the next few pages, so get your notepads at the ready…
Linux system administration part 2: As the moment, the most popular web servers are Apache and Nginx. Apache is the most successful and famous open source project whereas Nginx (pronounced Engine X) is a web server that was developed in Russia by Igor Sysoev back in 2002.
Why Linux on Power?: Running your Linux-based applications on IBM® Power® hardware offers a powerful blend of performance, reliability, and security. In this article, you will be exposed to many of the strategic advantages that IBM Power Systems™ can offer and you might be surprised by the low cost of the various deployments. Learn about the tools that IBM uses to enhance your Linux experience and fully understand IBM’s future commitments to Linux on Power.
Where KDE is going - Part 1: This article explores where the KDE community currently stands and where it is going. Frameworks, Plasma, KDE e.V., Qt5, KDE Free Qt Foundation, QtAddons - you heard some of these terms and want to know what all the fuss is about? A set of articles on the Dot aims to bring some clarity in the changes and constants of the KDE community in 2014 and further. This is the first article, diving into the technical side of things: Plasma, applications and libraries.
My first Linux based robot: I successfully connected my BeagleBone Black running Angstrom Linux to a Dagu Rover 5 Tracked Chassis using the Rover 5 motor driver board. I then wrote Python client/server scripts that allowed me to control the robot over a Bluetooth RFComm connection. These three blog posts document the steps I took to create the robot, from start to finish, with videos and images.
Supreme Court puts Aereo out of business: In a 6-3 opinion (PDF) written by Justice Stephen Breyer, Aereo was found to violate copyright law. According to the opinion, the company is the equivalent of a cable company, which must pay licensing fees when broadcasting over-the-air content. "Viewed in terms of Congress’ regulatory objectives, these behind-the-scenes technological differences do not distinguish Aereo’s system from cable systems, which do perform publicly," reads the opinion.
Houston, We Have A Public Domain Problem: I received a bogus copyright takedown notice for using public domain audio on SoundCloud yesterday. The sound in question—the famous “Houston, we have a problem” snippet of the Apollo 13 mission—is incontrovertibly available to all, for any use, without copyright restrictions. The fact that it’s been yanked from my SoundCloud page, though, is a sad demonstration of how completely many online services have swallowed the fallacy that “unauthorized” means “unacceptable”...