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Quick update on vivaldi hardware
Here's a very quick and terse update on where we are with hardware for the long-awaited (by me if no-one else ;)
Vivaldi tablet hardware: SoC PCBs: done; Mer: booting'; Plasma Active: starts; X11: running, still toying with opengl; Still waiting on a pair of drivers; Casework being tweaked to smooth out some rough edges; Screen components: sourced and ready. Which means we are finally, after months of unexpected delays (it's amazing how many different ways a PCB can be done in not-quite-the-right way ...) (where) we have production designs in the box. We're not quite at the point where we can send them shuffling of the production line into little boxes to send to you, but we actually have a device that works and whose design we own so that our ability to deliver is in our own hands.
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