Korora 18 Screenshot Tour

Posted by lqsh on May 7, 2013 1:32 PM EDT
Screenshot Directory
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We have decided to make the existing beta release of Korora (Flo) 18 the final version, as the beta period did not reveal any major issues which warranted a new build. The existing beta images have simply been renamed, so if you already have the beta you also have the final release. Derived from Fedora 18, this release comes with the usual Korora extras out of the box, such as: Adobe Flash plugin; experimental support for Valve's Steam client; unburden-home-dir, which moves cache files (like in Firefox profiles) onto RAMFS at login; undistract-me, which pops up a GUI notification when a terminal command has completed; tweaked KDE and GNOME base systems; experimental support for Cinnamon desktop in GNOME; third-party repositories.

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