I Didn't Tell Facebook I'm Engaged, So Why Is It Asking About My Fiancé?

Posted by mbaehrlxer on Mar 16, 2012 10:49 PM EDT
The Atlantic; By Sara Marie Watson
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I have no illusions about what Facebook has figured out about me from my activity, pictures, likes, and posts. Friends have speculated about how algorithms might effectively predict hook-ups or dating patterns based on bursts of "Facebook stalking" activity (you know you are guilty of clicking through hundreds of tagged pictures of your latest crush). David Kilpatrick uncovered that Facebook "could determine with about 33 percent accuracy who a user was going to be in a relationship with a week from now." And based on extensive networks of gay friends, MIT's Gaydar claims to be able to out those who refrain from listing their sexual orientation on the network. When I first turned on Timeline, I discovered Facebook had correctly singled out that becoming friends with Nick was a significant event of 2007

So why does Facebook care to know more about the nature of my relationship to Nick?

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