Here's a look at what's coming up on Friday at the Southern California Linux Expo SCALE 10X..
Here's a look at what's coming up on Friday at the Southern California
Linux Expo SCALE 10X:
BUILD A CLOUD DAY: Mark Hinkle leads Build a Cloud Day, an all day
session, in the Carmel room beginning at 9 a.m. The all-day session
will teach users how to build and manage a cloud computing environment
using free and open source software. The program is designed to expose
attendees to the concepts and best practices around deploying cloud
computing infrastructure.
JUJU CHARM SCHOOL: Jorge Castro and Clint Bynum host a session in the
Marina room at 2:30 p.m. It's an event where juju experts answer
questions about writing your own juju charms. The intended audience
are people who deploy software and want to contribute charms to the
wider devops community to make deploying in the public and private
cloud easy.
SCALE U: A wide variety of classes – from a LPI-exam cram session to
time management for IT professionals to resume writing, Puppet
Mastery, NAS servers and more – will be held as part of the SCALE U
track, which starts at 10 a.m. in the following rooms: Los Angeles B,
Los Angeles C, Marina and BelAir
DEVOPS DAY: Lee Thomspon kicks off a series of speakers for the DevOps
track at SCALE 10X starting at 10 a.m. Other speakers include
Christopher Nolan, John Vincent, Mark Burgess, and John Willis. A
DevOps Lightning Talk is also scheduled for 1:30 p.m. DevOps Day will
be located in the La Jolla room.
UBUCON: Elizabeth Krumbach, Nathan Haines, Ralf Piper, Jorge Castro,
and Richard Gaskin give various talks throughout the day at Ubucon
starting at 9 a.m. in the Los Angeles A room.
POSTGRESQL: Christophe Pettus, Matt Soldo, Jim Mlodgenski, Josh
Berkus, Deepak Murthy and Joseph Conway will be giving presentations
on PostgrSQL in the Century AB room starting at 9 a.m.
MYSQL: Starting at 10 a.m. in the Century CD room, David Stokes, Colin
Charles, Lynne Ferrante, Keith Larson and Max Mether will give
presentations on MySQL.
FEDORA ACTIVITY DAY: Fedora Activity Day will be held in Catalina C
starting at 9 a.m.
MENTOR TRACK: Amber Graner, Larry Cafiero, Deb Nicholson, Joe
Brockmeier, Karsten Wade, Garrett D'Amore and Josh Berkus will be
giving presentations on various community issues in the Catalina D
room starting at 9 a.m.
For more information on Friday's schedule, visit
The Southern California Linux Expo SCALE 10X will be held Jan.20-22 at
the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. For more information on the
expo, visit