Creating packages for Pardus Linux with pisido

Posted by LinuxCareer on Oct 19, 2011 8:36 PM EDT
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Pardus Linux is a relative newcomer to the Linux scene. Version 1.0 was released at the end of 2005, and since then, the project started using version numbers that remind us of what Mandriva uses for some time. So, the latest stable version is 2011.2, which means it's the second release for 2011. Pardus Linux is a distribution sponsored and developed by the Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey. It's a easy to use distribution, with a series of unique tools like Pisi (Packages Installed Successfully as Intended), which is the package manager. We will not give you a Pardus review, instead we'll assume you have the distro already installed and running and we'll tell you about a tool named PiSiDo.

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