With Chromebooks, are Linux-based netbooks dead?

Posted by techlaze on Jun 20, 2011 2:29 PM EDT
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As a longtime Linux user, I remember hearing about netbooks for the first time. It was an exciting feeling — finally, Linux will be able to beat Microsoft and that too on a completely new platform. However, when Windows-based netbooks started coming out, I was thoroughly disappointed. Microsoft had once again managed to monopolize an emerging market, paling Linux back into insignificance. Furthermore, just when we thought that the netbook market was growing, iPad took the industry by storm, becoming the quintessential secondary device. And, as if all that wasn’t enough, Google announced Chromebooks giving another massive blow to the already-dying netbook market. So, the question remains, is this the end of Linux-based netbooks? Seems like it is.

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I wonder tracyanne 11 1,712 Jun 21, 2011 7:20 PM

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