Book Review: MySQL Admin Cookbook

Posted by tripwire45 on Apr 12, 2010 3:41 AM EDT
The Linux Tutorial; By James Pyles
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Packt (pronounced Packed) Publishing is an online publisher of open source related books, but they are also dedicated to the "cause" of open source. So much so, that "...When we sell a book written on an Open Source project, we pay a royalty directly to that project. As a result of purchasing one of our Open Source books, Packt will have given some of the money received to the Open Source project." The folks at periodically submit announcements of new book releases to the news pages of The Linux Tutorial site, so I'm quite aware of them. Recently, they emailed me and asked if I'd review MySQL Admin Cookbook. So here we are.

Like the O'Reilly Cookbook series, the Schneller and Schwedt book contains "recipes" of various MySQL tasks and solutions to problems, presented in a "hands-on" fashion. The book is organized into 9 chapters, holding a total of 99 recipes in all. Each recipe introduces the task, tells how to prepare to perform the task, offers the specific steps, describes how the task is supposed to work, and lists any additional information related to the task.

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