Ubuntu Switch to Yahoo. Trouble in Paradise?

Posted by odat on Jan 27, 2010 7:46 AM EDT
Buntfu.com; By Ronnie Whisler
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This situation really doesn't sit right with me. I understand that Canonical needs to be creative in acquiring new revenue streams. The stumbling block for me is. Isn't Google using mostly Ubuntu guts/code under the hood of its upcoming Chrome OS? You would have thought that their must have been some sort of communication between Google from Canonical after Yahoo approached them with their offer. Did Google not counter offer?

Trouble in paradise always starts small, like a crack in the driveway. You know its there, but you try to ignore it, till its just to big to avoid. Looks like Google is tired of paying Mozilla and Canonical for search results. Google figures we can keep all that money in house. Having the Chrome web browser and the up coming web browser based OS gives them their own start page and Google search bar without paying others.

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