What do Interpreted Programming Languages have in Common? Part I

Posted by tripwire45 on Nov 28, 2009 4:40 AM EDT
A Million Chimpanzees; By James Pyles
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One of the frustrating things about learning how to program is that you have to start somewhere. I know there's no way of avoiding this, but when you learn your first programming language, you are also learning the basic structure of how to program in general. It's easy to get mixed up at this stage and lost in the details of a particular language, losing sight of the overall goal.

I've tried, but there are few, if any, guides available online that present the general structure of an interpreted language (as opposed to a compiled language which we won't be discussing here), without referencing one specific language. With that in mind, I thought I'd try to put together an outline of what interpreted languages seem to have in common as far as a basic structure. My specific examples will be JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, so you can see how different languages are expressed within this structure. But first, some basic definitions:

Note: I'm writing this particular blog as much for my own education as for yours. I'm sure I've made a mistake or two here and there, and if so, I don't mind you pointing them out. I would appreciate it however, if you at least tried to be civil if not polite when making corrections. I want this to be a friendly atmosphere where education is encouraged, not fear of mistakes. Thanks.

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