Wine, Linux and Multimedia Software

Posted by sde on Sep 6, 2009 4:05 PM EDT; By Derek White
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The purpose of this article is to try out some of my favorite Windows multimedia software in Wine. This is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of Windows multimedia software, but merely to capture my thoughts on software which I used on a regular basis under Windows

Wine makes a real difference to reducing one of the most significant barriers of entry to Linux. Moving to Linux is overwhelming for Windows users as they are faced with a largely alien set of software. Whilst this will have little importance to experienced Linux users, if Linux is going to significantly increase its market share of the desktop (currently about 2%) it needs Windows software to run effortlessly. Furthermore, as much as I dislike the Windows operating system, there is a vast catalogue of high quality Windows software available (some of which is free).

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When the wine is in the man, the wisdom is in the can paai 24 1,794 Sep 9, 2009 8:44 AM

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