The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development

Posted by tripwire45 on Jul 27, 2009 4:53 PM EDT
A Million Chimpanzees; By James Pyles
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First of all, I like the sax on the cover. I like jazz music and especially tenor sax, so a little cool jazz on a hot summer's day works for me, and keeps me calm as I'm commuting to work, but I digress. The Passionate Programmer isn't exactly about programming. It's about the career of programming. Most Pragmatic books I review in this area, teach some programming language, how to program in general, or "tips and tricks" of some programming method. Chad Fowler's book addresses the larger context of entering into a programming career. More than that, the context can be applied to many other creative careers where the creative person conceptualizes their "product" within his or her thoughts and imagination, and then generates the result. How do you proceed into such a career path? Keep reading and find out.

Most people who select a programming career don't think about the career part of it. If you're "passionate" about programming, you likely are passionate about the process of programming; the actual doing of it. Fowler tosses around terms like business and entrepreneur, which may be words at least odd, if not completely alien to some coders. Aren't entrepreneurs those people who own their own businesses and are heavily into "wheeling and dealing"? What's that got to do with being passionate about programming?

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