Trumpet Windows Loudly--- Except When It's Malware Outbreaks

Posted by tuxchick on Dec 2, 2008 8:07 PM EDT
Linxu Today Blog; By Carla Schroder
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Ever notice how Microsoft plasters the Windows name on everything it can reach? Splash screens, stickers on computers, and advertising everywhere. There is no escaping it. Except when it's yet another malware outbreak-- then all the news organizations go inexplicably deaf, dumb, and blind, as this latest story demonstrates:

Virus hits nearly 75% of systems on Afghanistan military base.

Is it serious? Well....

"...the intrusion was severe enough to raise the INFOCON status, the information security equivalent of the DEFCON alert, and also necessitate the briefing of the president."

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» Read more about: Story Type: Editorial, Security; Groups: Microsoft

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