Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours

Posted by tripwire45 on Jul 23, 2008 7:08 PM EDT; By James Pyles
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Django (for those of you who don't know and are just reading this out of sheer curiosity) is "an open source web application framework, written in Python, which loosely follows the model-view-controller design pattern". At least that's how Wikipedia defines it (it's also a 1966 Italian film directed by Sergio Corbucci and an album by The Modern Jazz Quartet, first released on LP in 1956, but I digress). Before you go any further, check your bag of tricks and make sure you have at least some familiarity with the Python programming language. You're going to need it for this book to be of any use to you.

The Sams in 24 Hours books are either pretty good or pretty bad. The good part is when the author and editors can pull it off successfully, the book takes a (sometimes) complicated technology and compartmentalizes it into 24 bite-sized chunks, making it easier for the linear minded (such as me) to learn a new skill set. The bad part is when the author and editors don't pull it off, the book takes a (sometimes) complicated technology and dumbs it down to the point to where you don't really learn much but the superficial aspects. Let's see which one this turns out to be.

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