Selecting an Alternative Desktop in Ubuntu

Posted by mweber on Jun 30, 2008 12:06 PM EDT; By Mike Weber
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In addition to Desktop environments there are window managers that are separate programs that manage the windows and interface that you use. The reason you would explore the option of a different window manager is that it will use much less resources than the GNOME or KDE Desktop. However, less resources in terms of RAM and CPU means more basic features. In initial testing in similar settings for each these are the results. It is very clear that GNOME uses considerably more resources than any of the alternative window managers.

How do you choose a Window Manager?

1. Resource use - how much RAM and CPU power does the desktop require.

2. Intuitive Design - as a user, how easy is it for you to know what to click or do to open programs and work with the operating system.

3. Effort - some of these window managers require a great deal of effort on the part of a user who is using a graphical interface for all of their programs. 4. Ease at Making Modifications - how easy is it to modify the desktop and window manager to the way that you want.

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