Review: The Official Ubuntu Book, Third Edition

Posted by tripwire45 on Jun 17, 2008 10:43 AM EDT
The Linux Tutorial; By James Pyles
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You have no idea what it takes to get an advanced copy of a book...particularly a book on a popular subject. I hope you'll all still be interested in my review of 'The Official Ubuntu Book, Third Edition'. Let me explain. A few months ago, I could hardly swing a cat (no, not literally) without hitting someone talking about Ubuntu 8.04, the Hardy Heron. All of the Linux news sites were just 'abuzz' with Hardy Heron this and Hardy Heron that. It was as if the entire Linux world (and sometimes beyond) really couldn't get enough of this long-awaited, latest version of Ubuntu. I figured that any book published about Hardy Heron within a month or so if its official release would be able to name its own price.

I decided to look at this book through the eyes of my personal priorities. I still run 6.06 on my main desktop and 7.10 on my work desktop. I want to upgrade to 8.04 but have heard that there may be a few "gotchas". What can the book in my hands tell me about the upgrade process vs. a clean install and particularly, what will Hardy Heron do for me that the prior versions of Ubuntu I now use can't?

I was a little surprised that I couldn't find the answers to those questions very easily. In fact, the "magic number" of "8.04" doesn't even appear in the book until page 23, and then, only in brief and in the context of "Ubuntu Promises and Goals". I'm looking at this book as someone who is already a daily Ubuntu user. I know "the basics" and I want to learn the "new stuff". Where is it?

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