Mozilla Links Newsletter - 4 - October 14, 2003

Posted by dave on Oct 14, 2003 5:58 PM EDT
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Mozilla Links is now being translated into Italian, German and Dutch, making Mozilla Links available in five different languages.

Mozilla Links - English Edition
Issue # 4 - October 14, 2003

Welcome back to Mozilla Links!

Mozilla Links is now being translated into Italian, German and Dutch, making Mozilla Links available in five different languages. If you would like to help with translating the newsletter into your own language, check for the Mozilla Links Translation Guidelines, at:

We are sorry to announce that the design contest for the Mozilla Links logo and HTML layout has been canceled, due to low response. We are currently working on a much requested new HTML format that will allow a better presentation and functionality. Hopefully, you will be receiving the newsletter in the new format within two issues.

We would like to thank David Boswell for his contribution to the Mozilla Links newsletter. David, as an administrator or, the central location for Mozilla applications and projects, was the regular reporter on these project status reports. Due to time constraints, he is handing this responsibility to Brian King, contributor of the Project of the Week. Thanks to you both.

As always, your comments are very much appreciated. Please send them to [].

Percy Cabello Mozilla Links

---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this issue:

1. BETTER MOZILLA - Googlebar - Let Mozilla Check your Bookmarks for New Pages - Creating Applications With Mozilla

2. THE NEWS - Mozilla 1.4.1 Released - Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 Release Candidate 3 - Mozilla Gains Support for Adding and Editing vCards - AOL Lays Off Netscape/Mozilla Transition Team


4. MOZILLA PROJECTS: QuickManager and Independent Status Reports

5. MOZILLA LINKS POLL: Extensions Anyone?


1. BETTER MOZILLA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Featured Extension: Googlebar

You may know that among other great features, Mozilla browsers let you perform searches using your favorite search engine, and that Google (TM) comes as one of the defaults.

But if you want the whole power of Google and to be able to easily perform

searches using the specialized Google engines like Google Groups, Google News, Froogle (shopping) and others, highlight searched terms or translate into English, then you need Googlebar. It is not affiliated in any way with Google, but does an outstanding job bringing the original Googlebar functionality to Mozilla browsers.

Try it at:


Mozilla Links Tip: Let Mozilla Check your Bookmarks for Updates (contributed by, edited by Percy Cabello)

Mozilla's Bookmark Manager can automatically check any bookmark for you to see if it has changed. Follow these steps to set an automatic web page monitor and alert:

- Open the Bookmark Manager (Bookmarks/Manage Bookmarks). - Right-click on the desired bookmark and select Properties. - Change to the Schedule tab and enter what days you want Mozilla to check for updates, range of hours and frequency of the checks. - Open the Notify tab to set how do you want Mozilla to alert you when an update is found: change the bookmark's icon, play a sound, open the webpage in a new window or display an alert message.

Check the full text of this tip at:


Mozilla Links PowerTip: Creating Applications With Mozilla (contributed by Percy Cabello)

If you are ready to create your dream Mozilla extension or the next killer application, you should be aware of this book. Co-authored by David Boswell, Brian King, Ian Oeschger, Pete Collins and Eric Murphy, it explains in detail all the technologies that are at play in Mozilla and are available for extending it. It is published under the Open Publication License. You can read the entire book at:

For the best experience, grab a printed copy from O'Reilly at:


Need more tips? Try the TipBar Extension to get the Tip of the Day in Mozilla Firebird. Grab it at

You can also visit for more fun tips for your favorite browser.

Have a Tip or a PowerTip? Let other users know about it by sending it to [] .

2. THE NEWS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (contributed by MozillaZine, your source for Mozilla news and advocacy. )

Mozilla 1.4.1 Released ---------------------- A minor update to Mozilla 1.4 has been released. Mozilla 1.4.1 contains around 100 additional bug fixes and also includes a spellchecker, a feature not present in 1.4. Windows users who had installer problems with Mozilla 1.4 or experienced display resource issues will be especially interested in this build, which is available for all platforms.

Mozilla 1.4.1 Release Notes:

Download Mozilla 1.4:

Full story:

Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 Release Candidate 3 ------------------------------------------- A third release candidate of Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 is now available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The final version of Thunderbird 0.3 is expected to be released simultaneously with Mozilla 1.5.

Download Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 Release Candidate 3:

Scott MacGregor's related post to the MozillaZine Thunderbird Builds forum:

Full story:

Mozilla Gains Support for Adding and Editing vCards --------------------------------------------------- Front-end support for vCard was added to Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups on October 5th. A vCard is like a business card attached to your message as a .vcf file. To create your vCard, in Messenger go to Edit > Mail & Newsgroups Accounts Settings. Click on your account. You will see an 'Attach my vCard to messages' check box and an 'Edit Card...' button. Clicking on the button brings you to the Edit Card dialog which looks like an address book card dialog. (Note: the card is not saved to your address book; rather, the information is saved to your preferences file as Each account has its own card. You can check the 'Attach my vCard to messages' option to automatically add your card to your messages. You can also add your card in the mail Compose window via the Options menu.

Note that a vCard is an attachment, not a text snip added to end of your message like a signature. Also note some mail clients may not recognize vCard. You can put both a signature and a vCard in one message.

Full story:

AOL Lays Off Netscape/Mozilla Transition Team --------------------------------------------- In an expected move, America Online laid off the last remaining Netscape employees paid to contribute to Mozilla on September 30th. Although AOL sacked or reassigned most of the Netscape browser division back in July, they agreed to continue employing Asa Dotzler, Brendan Eich and David Baron for a couple of months as part of a transition team to keep things running smoothly as reduces its dependence on AOL. This transition has involved moves such as setting up the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and migrating servers from Netscape hosting to services provided by

AOL has not completely ended its

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