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PHP 4.3.7 Released
PHP Development Team is proud to announce the release of PHP 4.3.7.
Behind four Linux community sites
In our recent overview of Linux community sites we highlighted several active sites that offered news, reviews, commentary, and Linux information. We thought an interesting followup would be to ask their administrators about the technology they use to get online.
Wicked, tricksy, false! WE hates GPL! Noooo, GPL's my friend!
Sun Microsystems has been considering offering an open-source version of its Solaris operating system about as long as CEO Scott McNealy has been talking smack about Microsoft.
Open Source Application Server Accepted by Apache
An open source Java application server has been accepted by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), less than a year after the community began work on the project.
EIOffice: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Evermore Integrated Office is an extremely promising new Java-based office suite that currently runs on both Linux and Windows, with versions slated for Mac and Solaris. EIOffice is a remarkably faithful clone of Microsoft Office, with a twist -- it provides a level of integration unmatched by any office suite on the market. It's not without problems, though, a couple of which take EIOffice out of the running for some organizations.
Symantec CEO hits out at Microsoft... and Linux
Speaking on stage, Thompson said: "There is a myth in the industry that Linux is inherently more secure. I don't believe that.".
Building a solid-state mini-ITX Linux recording studio
This simple embedded Linux project builds a dedicated music recording and editing computer that uses a CompactFlash card instead of a hard drive, to eliminate hard disk chatter. The project is simple because it starts with an embedded Linux distribution: a "Live CD" released last week by the Agnula Project.
Drive recovery comes to Linux
Fire. Flood. Having a five-foot-thick redwood tree fall on your home office. Collectively, these are disasters that can befall your computers' hard drives. At an enterprise level add in dead multi-disk servers, RAIDs that get mixed up, and network storage appliances that don't get backed up. Whether you're a homeowner mourning the loss of your family's digital picture album or an enterprise-level IT director trying to make sure that your next disaster doesn't involved getting canned, there is a solution.
Linux creator wants to document kernel hacks
Linus Torvalds wants to tighten up the process for how open source code gets into product-versions of the Linux kernel.
"We will open source Solaris" - Sun
Sun president Jonathan Schwartz has confirmed that the company will at some point make its operating system's code available
Free Software Group Not Well With Mono
Few technology communities are as disparate as the Free and Open Source software (FOSS) communities, especially when passions rise over differences in implementations. Such is the case between two FOSS .NET projects, Mono and DotGNU, even though both have a similar genesis and pursue the same ultimate goal.
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