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Linux Isn't for EveryoneYet
The drive to Linux and other open-source platforms presents a host of benefits.
Jeff Waugh announces KDE Ubuntu
Jeff Waugh announces Kubuntu, Sven de Marothy talks free Java and we discuss Hula, in the latest LugRadio.
Solaris 10 heads for Linux territory
We found that Solaris 10 has been torn from its SPARC-only roots now runs very quickly and very easily on generic 32-bit x86 Intel- and 64-bit Advanced Micro Devices-based servers. It also has new security features and supports a range of Linux applications. And it's free.
Linux Threat Posed by Microsoft and Sun: In Your Dreams
Writers and analysts love to sensationalize OS Wars. But Linux keeps building momentum.
Open source getting APLAWs in the UK
The United Kingdom is working to move all its local government services online by the end of 2005, because of an initiative spearheaded by Prime Minister Tony Blair called the Local Authorities Website National Projects (LAWs). In the process, APLAWs (sounds like "applause"), a huge open source content management project, has sprung up, and for UK local authorities, it appears to have risen head and shoulders above its proprietary competition.
Digital Information Rights Need Tech-Savvy Courts
Opinion: The courts need to recognize that in the information age, virtual privacy and physical privacy don't have the same boundaries.
Linux in Government: Linux System Administrators
If you're looking to hire a Linux sysadmin, you might need to rethink your hiring guidelines and practices.
Open source XML editors examined
The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) provides a flexible and efficient way to store, transmit, and express data. Many applications have adopted it as their sole data format, and the availability of comprehensive XML development libraries makes it easy to add support for XML to new and existing applications. The open source community has produced an impressive lineup of XML editing utilities. In this article we'll take a look at some of the most useful.
Mozilla 1.8 Beta 1 Released
The Mozilla Foundation today released Mozilla 1.8 Beta 1, the first beta of the 1.8 cycle after a record-breaking six alphas.
WebSideStory: Mozilla Firefox Growth Slowing, IE Below 90 Percent
WebSideStory has published some February 2005 United States browser usage figures as part of its latest Data Spotlight. According to the statistics, Mozilla Firefox's growth is slowing.
JBoss upgrades object-relational technology
JBoss at its JBoss World 2005 conference in Atlanta next week will upgrade its Hibernate object-relational mapping software and debut service programs for open source projects and users of the vendor?s middleware.
Storage options for Linux
An increasing number of storage players are showing up at Linux-related trade shows, which certainly makes sense as Linux transitions from being an operating system for wonks, hackers (in the old, good sense), scientists and aficionados, and becomes an operating environment for mainstream commercial computing.
SCO Skirts Nasdaq Delisting with Post-Deadline Hearing
After missing several deadlines to turn in its late financial reports, the company files an appeal and secures a March hearing with the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel.
OSDL Linux Summit papers now available on-line
A number of the presentations from the OSDL Enterprise Linux Summit held earlier this month are now available online. The presentations span a wide range of topics of interest to readers, including an update on the Desktop Linux market by analyst Amy Wohl, open-source best practices, several informative presentations about the GNU General Public License (GPL), and more.
Puppy Linux 0.9.9 released
The latest and greatest Puppy is out, plus the first official release of Puppy Unleashed. Puppy is a tiny, approx 50M live-CD with all the GUI apps in that 50M, not as extra add-ons. Boots from CD or from USB-stick, loads totally into RAM, for incredible speed. Puppy Unleashed is the individual packages and a build script, to create your own custom Puppy with exactly the applications you need.
IBM, Zend Welcome Open-Source Developers
The upcoming Zend Core will combine IBM's Cloudscape database and Zend's PHP environment, while the latest IDS upgrade has enhanced security options and backup utilities.
New Mozilla Firefox Options/Preferences Window Lands
The latest trunk builds of Mozilla Firefox now feature the redesigned Options/Preferences window that has been developed over the last few weeks.
Open Source Database Market Share Breakdown
Evans Data revealed the results of a study on open source databases. While the familiar names MySQL and PostgresSQL were in there, the biggest surprise may be that Firebird was nearly tied for the most used open source database.
Running Windows Inside of Linux with Wn4Lin
Despite interest in moving to a full Linux commitment, sometimes you need to settle for a transitional position and that is where a program like Win4Lin can help a business or school system maintain a Linux base but still use aspects of Microsoft that are needed for special projects.
C++ exception-handling tricks for Linux
Handling exceptions in C++ has a few implicit restrictions at the language level, but you can get around them in some instances. Learn ways to make exceptions work for you so you can produce more reliable applications.
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