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Free software game server engineers in Court
St. Louis, MO - On Monday, June 20, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in Blizzard v. BnetD, a case that could dramatically impact consumers' ability to customize software and electronic devices and to obtain customized tools created by others.
Kudos to the Fedora Folks
A few months ago we got a new Dell 1U server in house specifially for use as a monitoring machine. Our existing methods of monitoring, particularly for looking at bandwidth utilization, were not scaling well.
Analysts: acquisitions unlikely to elevate Mandriva to top tier
Mandriva, with the recent purchase of Lycoris, a U.S. Linux desktop distributor, is expanding rapidly, but analysts ask whether it's growing fast enough to compete with the major Linux vendors: Red Hat and Novell/SuSE.
Mozilla Trademark Policy Finalised
Last month, the Mozilla Foundation finalised its trademark usage rules...
Fonality Talks Up Low-Cost, Open-Source VoIP System
Open-source VoIP is becoming a viable option for the channel as vendors court solution providers to deliver low-cost systems to small and midsize businesses.
Open BSD honcho channels Ballmer in Linux tirade
Open BSD honcho Theo De Raadt claimed that Linux is a hopeless jumble of "cheap little hacks" and has become "garbage" during an interview published at "Everyone is using it, and they don't realize how bad it is," he said. "And the Linux people will just stick with it and add to it rather than stepping back and saying, 'This is garbage and we should fix it.'"
Working with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
This chapter will discuss essential Linux concepts, such as understanding the login process, using the command-line and graphical environments, finding your way around the filesystem, using the available help systems, and understanding text-editing tools in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 environment.
German agency offers open-source security tool
Germany's Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) has developed a free, open-source tool that allows public and private sector organizations and companies to test the security of their networked systems, the agency announced Friday.
OpenBSD versus Linux, Gentoo meets Microsoft
OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt has gone on the record in an interview with Forbes Magazine, slashing at Linux and Linus Torvald's oversight of the OS as low in quality.
State, local governments warm to open source, research firm finds
State and local governments are giving more consideration to use of open-source code as another way to help relieve continuing budget pressures, according to market research firm Input Inc.
Linux: 2.6.12 Available, The First Git Release
Nearly three and a half months since the last stable release, Linus Torvalds announced the availability of version 2.6.12 of the Linux Kernel.
Mandriva Aims to Become Linux-Desktop Player
Mandriva, the former Mandrake, is expanding rapidly, but analysts are unconvinced that it can do so fast enough to catch up with the Red Hat and Novell/SuSEs of the world.
The Linux /proc Filesystem as a Programmers' Tool
Manipulating all manners of runtime state information by using file-level system calls and commands.
MS Office XML Formats Not OK with GNU
Microsoft's insistence that users of the Open XML format attribute it in their code renders the license not truly open source, experts say.
Debian Weekly News - June 14th, 2005
Welcome to this year's 24th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the Debian community. Last week has seen a lot of discussion on release goals and the release team for etch. Several people are already keen on discussing the preparation and timing for the next release. Branden Robinson explained where news about Alioth should be sent to instead of using private mail.
Debian Weekly News - June 8th, 2005
Welcome to this year's 23rd issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the Debian community. Now that Debian 3.1 has been released, people are keen to celebrate this. There may be a party in your neighbourhood as well. Branden Robinson announced that SPI, Debian's legal umbrella, is now able to accept donations via check from Canada.
Extreme programming founder to visit South Africa
Kent Beck, a founder of the extreme programming concept will be in South Africa later this month. Beck will conduct a series of master classes as well as public lectures in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
JBoss forms open source public sector group
JBoss, the professional open source company, has formed the JBoss Government Group to promote the use of open source solutions in the public sector.
Linux is garbage, Open BSD man says
One of the pioneers of the open source software movement, and free software evangelist Theo de Raadt has dissed the Linux operating system as junk. Speaking to Forbes, De Raadt is said to have said it's terrible.
Is Linux For Losers?
Theo de Raadt is a pioneer of the open source software movement and a huge proponent of free software. But he is no fan of the open source Linux operating system. "It's terrible," De Raadt says. "Everyone is using it, and they don't realize how bad it is. And the Linux people will just stick with it and add to it rather than stepping back and saying, 'This is garbage and we should fix it.'"
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