Debian Weekly News
Debian Weekly News - February 14th, 2006
Welcome to this year's 7th issue of DWN, the weekly newsletter for the
Debian community. Lars Wirzenius [1]nominated himself as a candidate
for the upcoming Debian project leader election. Manoj Srivastava
[2]called for nominations for this election until February 25th
1. http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2006/02/msg00466.html
2. http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2006/02/msg00609.html
Delivering Free Software at 2 Gbit/s. Mattias Wadenstein published
[3]details on how the [4]Academic Computer Club at [5]Umeå
University, Sweden, managed to saturate the 2 Gbit/s of available
Internet bandwidth with a cluster of machines and http redirects. New
releases made by large Free Software projects usually means that a lot
of people want the new release immediately, and the Debian Sarge
release followed by an Ubuntu release were no exceptions.
3. http://www.acc.umu.se/~maswan/2005-12-10/2gbit-freesoftware.html
4. http://www.acc.umu.se/
5. http://www.umu.se/
Message-ID Lookup for List Mails. Jeroen van Wolffelaar [6]announced
that he has re-implemented the [7]lookup by Message-ID for list mails
on [8]lists.debian.org. This service is based on an [9]idea by
Andrew Suffield who has [10]terminated it recently. It also supports
multiple hits for a single ID.
6. http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2006/02/msg00023.html
7. http://lists.debian.org/~jeroen/
8. http://lists.debian.org/
9. http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2005/10/msg00043.html
10. http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2006/01/msg00073.html
Trademark Policy for Packages? Simon Josefsson [11]wondered about
Debian's policy on trademarks for terms used in documentation and
package descriptions and wanted to know if there are particular
permissions that would be useful to request as far as Debian is
concerned. Florian Weimer [12]explained that as long as trademark
issues do not prevent creation and distribution of derivative works,
or prevent an interoperable re-implementation, trademarks are outside
Debian's scope.
11. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/01/msg00675.html
12. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/02/msg00019.html
Wireless with iBook G4. Jorge Ortiz [13]reported that the wireless
system in the iBook G4 is now fully supported in Debian for the
PowerPC architecture. He pointed out that kernel versions newer than
2.6.15-rc5 in conjunction with [14]bcm43xxx drivers are needed. This
airport extreme card was not expected to be supported so soon.
13. http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-spanish/2006/01/msg01088.html
14. http://pdo.debian.net/bcm43xx-modules-2.6.15-1-powerpc
Security Updates. You know the drill. Please make sure that you update
your systems if you have any of these packages installed.
* DSA 966: [15]adzapper -- Denial of service.
* DSA 967: [16]elog -- Arbitrary code execution.
* DSA 968: [17]noweb -- Insecure temporary file creation.
* DSA 969: [18]scpoly -- Potential root vulnerability.
* DSA 970: [19]kronolith -- Cross-site scripting.
* DSA 971: [20]xpdf -- Denial of service.
15. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-966
16. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-967
17. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-968
18. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-969
19. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-970
20. http://www.debian.org/security/2006/dsa-971
New or Noteworthy Packages. The following packages were added to the
unstable Debian archive [21]recently or contain important updates.
21. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/newpkg_main
* [22]bdf2psf -- Font converter to generate console fonts from BDF
source fonts.
* [23]cl-contextl -- Context orientation for Common Lisp.
* [24]console-setup -- Setup the font and the keyboard on the
* [25]dssi-utils -- Command-line utilities for sending commands to
DSSI plugins.
* [26]gnome-screensaver -- GNOME ScreenSaver.
* [27]gorm.app -- Visual Interface Builder for GNUstep.
* [28]kradio -- Comfortable Radio Application for KDE.
* [29]nagios2 -- Host/service/network monitoring and management
* [30]stgit -- provide quilt functionality on top of git.
* [31]tioga -- Ruby library for scientific graphs.
* [32]update-notifier -- Daemon which notifies about package
22. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/utils/bdf2psf
23. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/libs/cl-contextl
24. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/utils/console-setup
25. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/libdevel/dssi-utils
26. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/gnome/gnome-screensaver
27. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/devel/gorm.app
28. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/sound/kradio
29. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/net/nagios2
30. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/devel/stgit
31. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/graphics/tioga
32. http://pdo.debian.org/unstable/gnome/update-notifier
Orphaned Packages. 31 packages were orphaned this week and require a
new maintainer. This makes a total of 221 orphaned packages. Many
thanks to the previous maintainers who contributed to the Free
Software community. Please see the [33]WNPP pages for the full list,
and please add a note to the bug report and retitle it to ITA: if you
plan to take over a package.
33. http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/
* [34]asciijump -- Small and funny ASCII-art game about ski jumping.
* [36]aspectj -- Seamless aspect-oriented extension for Java.
* [38]barrage -- Rather violent action game. ([39]Bug#352439)
* [40]blackbook -- GTK+ Address Book Applet. ([41]Bug#352437)
* [42]coldsync -- Tool for syncing PalmOS PDAs with Unix
workstations. ([43]Bug#352615)
* [44]cpanel -- Configuration tool for Chinese desktop environment.
* [46]crank -- Classical CRypto ANalysis toolKit. ([47]Bug#352532)
* [48]dbs -- Allows Debian source packages with multiple patches.
* [50]eclipse-nls-sdk -- Localised message catalog for eclipse.
* [52]freqtweak -- Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation.
* [54]icheck -- C interface ABI/API checker. ([55]Bug#352431)
* [56]libbusiness-onlinepayment-tclink-perl -- TrustCommerce backend
for Business::OnlinePayment. ([57]Bug#352663)
* [58]libnet-tclink-perl -- Perl interface to the TrustCommerce
payment gateway. ([59]Bug#352664)
* [60]libpalm-perl -- Perl 5 modules for manipulating pdb and prc
database files. ([61]Bug#352616)
* [62]mctools-lite -- CD player and audio mixer for X.
* [64]mrtgutils -- Utilities to generate statistics for mrtg.
* [66]php4-tclink -- TrustCommerce TCLink module for php4.
* [68]python-tclink -- TrustCommerce credit card processing for
Python 2.3.x. ([69]Bug#352665)
* [70]rosegarden -- Integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation
editor. ([71]Bug#352543)
* [72]rosegarden2 -- Integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation
editor. ([73]Bug#352537)
* [74]sa-exim -- Use SpamAssassin at SMTP time with the Exim v4 MTA.
* [76]sfront -- MPEG 4 Structured Audio decoder. ([77]Bug#352542)
* [78]ssystem -- 3D solar system simulator. ([79]Bug#352709)
* [80]tapiir -- Tool for real time audio delay and feedback effects.
* [82]tclxml -- Tcl library for XML parsing. ([83]Bug#352330)
* [84]tdfsb -- 3D filesystem browser. ([85]Bug#352441)
* [86]wmget -- Background download manager in a Window Maker dock
app. ([87]Bug#352435)
* [88]wmshutdown -- Allow you to shutdown or reboot your machine.
* [90]xenophilia -- Customisable GTK+ engine with a plain look.
* [92]xexec -- Run a simple arbitrary command from X.
* [94]xgdipc -- GnuDIP GTK client. ([95]Bug#352550)
34. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/games/asciijump
35. http://bugs.debian.org/352436
36. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/devel/aspectj
37. http://bugs.debian.org/352521
38. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/games/barrage
39. http://bugs.debian.org/352439
40. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/utils/blackbook
41. http://bugs.debian.org/352437
42. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/otherosfs/coldsync
43. http://bugs.debian.org/352615
44. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/x11/cpanel
45. http://bugs.debian.org/352557
46. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/utils/crank
47. http://bugs.debian.org/352532
48. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/devel/dbs
49. http://bugs.debian.org/352609
50. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/devel/eclipse-nls-sdk
51. http://bugs.debian.org/352511
52. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/freqtweak
53. http://bugs.debian.org/352540
54. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/devel/icheck
55. http://bugs.debian.org/352431
56. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/perl/libbusiness-onlinepayment-tclink-perl
57. http://bugs.debian.org/352663
58. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/perl/libnet-tclink-perl
59. http://bugs.debian.org/352664
60. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/perl/libpalm-perl
61. http://bugs.debian.org/352616
62. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/mctools-lite
63. http://bugs.debian.org/352538
64. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/net/mrtgutils
65. http://bugs.debian.org/352553
66. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/web/php4-tclink
67. http://bugs.debian.org/352661
68. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/python/python-tclink
69. http://bugs.debian.org/352665
70. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/rosegarden
71. http://bugs.debian.org/352543
72. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/rosegarden2
73. http://bugs.debian.org/352537
74. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/mail/sa-exim
75. http://bugs.debian.org/352533
76. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/sfront
77. http://bugs.debian.org/352542
78. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/science/ssystem
79. http://bugs.debian.org/352709
80. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/sound/tapiir
81. http://bugs.debian.org/352539
82. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/devel/tclxml
83. http://bugs.debian.org/352330
84. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/games/tdfsb
85. http://bugs.debian.org/352441
86. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/x11/wmget
87. http://bugs.debian.org/352435
88. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/x11/wmshutdown
89. http://bugs.debian.org/352440
90. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/x11/gtk-engines-xenophilia
91. http://bugs.debian.org/352593
92. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/misc/xexec
93. http://bugs.debian.org/352708
94. http://pdo.debian.net/unstable/x11/xgdipc
95. http://bugs.debian.org/352550
Removed Packages. 8 packages have been [96]removed from the Debian
archive during the past week:
96. http://ftp-master.debian.org/removals.txt
* wmufo -- This is wmseti on steroids!
[97]Bug#294316: Request of QA, orphaned, obsolete, non-functional
* kernel-patch-2.4-cobalt -- Kernel patch for Cobalt(Sun) Linux
servers (RaQ and Qube)
[98]Bug#351187: Request of QA, unmaintained, does not apply to
current kernels
* kernel-patch-psd -- In-kernel Portscan Detector
[99]Bug#351188: Request of QA, unmaintained, does not apply to
current kernels
* kernel-patch-scanlogic -- Patch to Linux USB to get ScanLogic's
USB-IDE Adapters to work
[100]Bug#351194: Request of QA, unmaintained, does not apply to
current kernels
* boot-icons -- Display boot progress using graphical icons
[101]Bug#351285: Request of maintainer, has never been part of a
stable release; better replacements exist
* ksetisaver -- SETI screensaver for KDE
[102]Bug#351315: Request of maintainer, request of QA,
non-functional, obsolete
* setiathome -- SETI@Home Client (install package)
[103]Bug#351316: Request of QA, obsolete, unusable
* wmsetimon -- Dock application which show you the current state of
your SETI@Home units
[104]Bug#351317: Request of maintainer, request of QA, obsolete,
97. http://bugs.debian.org/294316
98. http://bugs.debian.org/351187
99. http://bugs.debian.org/351188
100. http://bugs.debian.org/351194
101. http://bugs.debian.org/351285
102. http://bugs.debian.org/351315
103. http://bugs.debian.org/351316
104. http://bugs.debian.org/351317
Want to continue reading DWN? Please help us create this newsletter.
We still need more volunteer writers who watch the Debian community
and report about what is going on. Please see the [105]contributing
page to find out how to help. We're looking forward to receiving your
mail at [106]dwn@debian.org.
105. http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/contributing
106. mailto:dwn@debian.org