Showing headlines posted by pshapiro
( 1 ... 2 ) Next »Book review - The Book of Audacity
The Book of Audacity is a fun to read, comprehensive guidebook to the popular free audio recording and editing program. The real value in this book? Tons of useful tips.
The day TuxPaint became contagious
All of a sudden the free TuxPaint drawing program has become very popular at the public library where I work. I can't explain why this happened, but it sure is wonderful to see such a strong interest in creating computer graphics.
Can an iPad be used to promote FOSS?
Many of my Linux friends have no plans whatsoever to buy an iPad. I've chosen to buy an iPad and plunge headlong into creating multimedia iBooks for the iPad. Here are the reasons why.
Bohemian broadband and the FOSS/maker culture
Verizon's new HomeFusion LTE fixed wireless Internet service opens up interesting opportunities in rural areas for Bohemians and makers. The FOSS and maker culture overlap a lot, too.
When Metadata Comes to Twitter
Social media needs more metadata to be truly useful. Some of the most exciting innovations in this space will take place with free and open source software -- at the edge.
Neanderthals vs. Homo Sapiens - Lessons Learned
What does history teach us about the rise of Homo Sapiens in relation to the Neanderthals -- and how does open source figure into it?
Computer Centers in West Virginia's Volunteer Fire Stations
West Virginia is setting up 60 public access computer centers in volunteer fire stations. The computers will dual boot Ubuntu Linux and Windows, with the default being Ubuntu. The computers will be used by firefighters, too.
Can Creatives Tilt the Balance Towards Open Source in Mobile?
Is there a role for writers, illustrators, animators, musicians and voice-over artists to support FOSS mobile devices by the creation of collaboratively produced media -- donated for free preinstallation on those devices? There might be.
Donate Your Bandwidth to Support Ubuntu Downloads
With just a few mouse clicks you can support people around the world downloading Ubuntu via Bittorrent. Like donating blood, you'll feel good about doing it. Who do you know that would like to do so, too?
The Internet Needs a Dewey Decimal System
The Internet needs a Dewey Decimal System because words often fail us in our information searches. We need something more descriptive than words. Numbers can be more descriptive than words.
Book review - Learn Spreadsheet Macros Programming
If you love using macros in spreadsheets, OpenOffice's macros might suit all of your needs
Talking Back to the New York Times
Rember "letters to the editor"? They're so 20th century. These days we talk back to the media using multimedia pieces created with screencasting and other programs. I used Camtasia Studio, on Windows, to create this multimedia. Today, I'd use OpenShot and Inkscape (or GIMP.)
How to Configure an Ubuntu Linux Computer for Less Than $200
Do you need an extra computer in your family, business or nonprofit organization? You can set up a spare computer with a 23-inch LCD monitor for less than $200.
A Review of Verizon's One-on-One Droid Training
Here is an account of my experience receiving training from Verizon on my Droid phone. Generally speaking, the training session went very well, but scheduling the training was a real annoyance.
Magnify the Motorola Droid
Magnify the Motorola Droid using a Fresnel lens so that you can watch screencasts on the go. The Droid has excellent resolution (854 by 480) and a lot of storage (16 GB).
Designed by Consumers - Screenless Laptops
Although counterintuitive, laptops without screens could be more useful to some people than laptops with screens. I explain why in this blog posting.
Google SketchUp Delights the Mind
The free version of Google SketchUp (for Mac and Windows) delights the mind. I've had very good experiences using it in combination with the draw program in OpenOffice. Use it with Inkscape, too.
Crowdsourcing the MacArthur Awards
A better way of identifying exceptional individuals in our communities using the methods of Linux and other free software projects, harnessing the collaborative intelligence of many.
Should the Gates Foundation Support Linux and Apple Computers in Public Libraries?
Many benefits would accrue to society if there were greater operating system diversity in public libraries. The Gates Foundation has a role in making that happen.
Students Adore Moodle
Moodle is free course management software that has earned a wide following at schools and colleges around the world. Moodle works well because students love using it.