Showing headlines posted by penguinista99

Some Shine Brighter

Our pattern is to present to you a family or child that has received one of our computers then highlight the "Walk a Kid Home" member who made that installation possible. We're going to break from the norm from time to time...there is someone I want to bring to your attention. And if this guy isn't a Linux Luminary in the first degree, I'll buy you lunch.

Time To Face Some Facts

See...we''re not just giving computers away, we are brutally smashing open an opportunity that has been locked away from these kids. Be it through proprietary and expensive software, lousy parenting, mismanaged finances or just being plain poor, I personally don''t give a d@mn. They will have a Linux-Powered computer...and they will have it just as soon as we can get it to them. Now I need your help to do it.

Stairway To Hospital

One of the greatest Linux Advocates alive today, at least in my mind, has nearly worked himself to death. And no, I am not kidding. He came close to dying. this is submitted ONLY to let the community know how he is doing and to show you that his sense of humor is still intact. The community outreach has been tremendous so take this only as a report...nothing more. And Bless The HeliOS Project.