Showing headlines posted by penguinist

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Encryption, Trust, and the Hidden Dangers of Vendor-Controlled Data

When the keys are controlled by vendors like Google or Apple, what does that mean for user privacy? This article explores the hidden dangers of vendor-controlled encryption and the trust gap it creates, particularly for open-source users and developers.

Why We Must Fight for the Right to Repair Our Electronics

  • IEEE Spectrum; By Kyle Wiens and Gay Gordon-Byrne (Posted by penguinist on Nov 2, 2017 11:40 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Over the past few years, this battle has been heating up. In 2017, twelve states introduced “right to repair” legislation that would make it easier for consumers to fix broken digital equipment.

Superaccurate GPS Chips Coming to Smartphones in 2018

Broadcom announced that it is sampling the first mass-market chip that can take advantage of a new breed of global navigation satellite signals and will give the next generation of smartphones 30-centimeter accuracy instead of today’s 5 meters.

Microsoft’s Linux enthusiasm may not help open source

Microsoft has been hitting the headlines lately with its enthusiasm for Linux – but Open Source's messiah Richard Stallman is less than impressed.

2 awesome open source apps to share your terminal over the web

  • nixCraft; By Vivek Gite (Posted by penguinist on Sep 24, 2017 10:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Want to share your terminal over the web for demo, learning or collaboration purpose? Try these two applications to share your terminal as a web application.

World's first hack using DNA

  • ZDNet; By Liam Tung (Posted by penguinist on Aug 13, 2017 8:17 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
Scientists have successfully encoded a software exploit in a gene to remotely hack a computer.

Hackers breach dozens of voting machines brought to conference

  • The Hill; By Joe Uchill (Posted by penguinist on Aug 6, 2017 9:07 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
The conference acquired 30 machines for hackers to toy with. Every voting machine in the village was hacked...

A look at OpenSUSE based Gecko Linux

  •; By Mike Turcotte (Posted by penguinist on Aug 6, 2017 11:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews
Gecko Linux right away caught my attention due to some major changes to how things are done when compared to its parent system OpenSUSE. On the homepage of Gecko Linux, the developer lists some changes between it and OpenSUSE...

I made my own wearable computer with a Raspberry Pi, and it was almost too easy

  • The Verge; By Paul Miller (Posted by penguinist on Jul 27, 2017 10:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Ever since I read about the crazy wearable pioneers back in the ‘90s and early 2000s, I've wanted a wearable computer of my own. I had two major requirements, however: it had to be a computer, and I had to be able to wear it...

CIA has hacking tools, says Wikileaks

The leaked papers have revealed that the agency turned to software which is named BothanSpy and Gyrfalcon to steal user credentials. Wikileaks has stated that software BothanSpy has been aimed towards hacking Xshell, a popular SSH client for Windows.

Encryption leaves authorities 'not in a good place': Former US intelligence chief

  • ZDNet; By Chris Duckett (Posted by penguinist on Jun 11, 2017 6:25 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has said there needs to be a form of encryption developed that protects privacy, but one that authorities can access.

The Dark Web is the place to go to find bugs before public disclosure

  • ZDNet; By Charlie Osborne (Posted by penguinist on Jun 8, 2017 7:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
It can be days before vulnerabilities shared on the Dark Web are being published made public through the NVD and advisories, researchers have discovered.

2018 Toyota Camry to feature Linux-based infotainment system in the US

The next-generation Toyota Camry will be the first car, at least in the US, to feature an infotainment system based on the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) operating system... “Adopting an open source development approach has enabled us to focus resources on developing innovative new features and bringing them to market faster.”

'Accidental hero' halts ransomware attack and warns: this is not over

  • The Guardian; By Nadia Khomami and Olivia Solon (Posted by penguinist on May 13, 2017 11:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
The kill switch was hardcoded into the malware in case the creator wanted to stop it spreading. This involved a very long nonsensical domain name that the malware makes a request to – just as if it was looking up any website – and if the request comes back and shows that the domain is live, the kill switch takes effect and the malware stops spreading. The domain cost $10.69 and was immediately registering thousands of connections every second.

NSA-created cyber tool spawns global attacks — and victims include Russia

Leaked alleged NSA hacking tools appear to be behind a massive cyberattack disrupting hospitals and companies across Europe, Asia, with Russia among the hardest-hit countries... Researchers said the malware is exploiting a Microsoft software flaw.

Raspberry Pi Surges To 3rd Best Selling Computer Of All Time Surpassing The Commodore 64

Given RPi's flexibility, it should come as no surprise that the open source Linux-power min PC has proven to be such a popular computing platform for scores of consumers, businesses and educational institutions...

Installing Fedora on the Raspberry Pi 3

You’ll need a few things to get started, we’ll be using a Fedora Desktop ARMv7 spin. I’ll be using XFCE as it’s my desktop of choice but you can substitute this for one you like. Note that we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi Kernels here...

F.C.C., in Potential Sign of the Future, Halts New Data Security Rules

  • The New York Times; By Cecilia Kang (Posted by penguinist on Mar 5, 2017 12:24 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday halted new government rules related to data security from taking effect this week, in a potential prelude to a broader repeal of privacy protections for users of high-speed internet.

Video calls for Signal now in public beta

Today's Signal release for Android and iOS includes beta support for video calls. Signal is a GPL messaging application supporting secure end-to-end text, phone, and now video calling.

EFF calling for more encryption

  • Computerworld; By Patrick Thibodeau (Posted by penguinist on Dec 24, 2016 3:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is keenly worried that President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress will step up surveillance activities and pass laws to curtail electronic rights. As a result, the EFF is advising the tech sector to use end-to-end encryption for every transaction by default, and to scrub logs. "You cannot be made to surrender data you do not have," the EFF said.

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