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( 1 2 ... 3 ) Next »How to install Wine 4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04
How to install Wine 4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with video how-to
Online Backup Solutions for Ubuntu Linux
Online cloud backups should be a part of your overall backup plan, but it’s crucial that your data is secure, encrypted, and backed up automatically. Here are a few online backup tools that aim to make cloud backups easy for desktop Linux users. Here is an updated look at five solutions for off-site online backups for Ubuntu that all work with the upcoming 18.04 release.
10 Alternative Web Browsers for Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 16.04 is out and it's time to take a new look at the alternative browsers available to install. Since 14.04, some browsers have been abandoned and new ones have emerged. What's your favorite browser for Ubuntu?
Using the Ubuntu Unity 8 Desktop on the Nexus 4 (with Video)
The most interesting part of running Ubuntu on the Nexus 4 is the ability to check out the progress being made on convergence. Here's a short video I recorded to give you a taste of the current state of Unity 8 on the desktop.
Review of Dell's New Inspiron 14 Ubuntu Edition Notebook
Dell just release a pair of low-end consumer notebooks with Ubuntu preinstalled. Here's a review of the 14 inch model.
Ubuntu MATE Brings the Speed Back to Ubuntu
Remember the days when Ubuntu was a fast and light Linux distribution that worked well on low-end and old hardware? Ubuntu MATE Brings the Speed Back to Ubuntu!
Dear Computer Makers: I Want an Ubuntu Notebook!
An open letter to computer makers about how I want an Ubuntu notebook. I want to buy an inexpensive, low to medium-end notebook that comes preinstalled with Ubuntu. I want it to look nice. I want it to cost $300 to $450.
Is Chrome OS a True Linux Distro?
While many in the traditional Linux community criticize and don't take Chrome OS seriously, it is perhaps the most popular Linux distro for notebook computers.
Take a Break with Workrave for Linux
It’s very important for your health to at least stand up and walk around on a regular basis. Workrave is a program for Linux to help prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), and it’s very useful for reminding you to get up and walk around or take a break.
Ask LXer: What is the Best Tablet for a Linux User?
I'd like to ask the LXer and Linux communities what tablet they think is the best match for someone who uses Linux on the desktop.
Dell’s Project Sputnik: Linux Hardware for Human Beings
Dell has announced a new project to create an Ultrabook aimed specifically at developers.
Mountain Goat: Ubuntu on Apple Hardware
Is running Ubuntu on Apple hardware the trend of the future?
5 Online Backup Solutions for Ubuntu Linux
Online cloud backups can be a great part of your overall backup plan, but it's important that your data is secure, encrypted, and backed up automatically. Here are a few online backup tools that aim to make cloud backups easy users.
Is Ubuntu Still The Most Popular Linux Distro?
Recently, there has been a flurry of blog posts claiming that Linux Mint is now more popular than Ubuntu. Is this really the case?
Alternative Web Browsers for Ubuntu Linux
A freshly updated list of browsers available for Ubuntu. What browser will you be using with Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot?
Tarsnap: Online Backups for Security Conscious Geeks
Tarsnap is an online backup service written and run by Dr. Colin Percival, the FreeBSD Security Officer. It is built for the "truly paranoid" and those who don't trust their data to other services such as Mozy and Dropbox.
2011: The Year of the Linux Tablet
I don’t know if we’ll ever see the year of the Linux Desktop or not, but it looks like 2011 is going to be the year of the Linux Tablet. The future success of Linux as a tablet and phone platform might not look as open and utopian as many supporters of free software would like, but it seems that it’s inevitable none the less.
A Simple New Facebook Photo Uploader for Ubuntu
Starry Hope Uploader allows you to batch upload photos to Facebook by simply dragging them unto the uploader, choosing an album and clicking the upload button.
What’s New in Dropbox 1.0 for Ubuntu
The folks over at Dropbox released version 1.0 yesterday. This release has been a long time coming and is a major upgrade for Windows, Mac and Linux. For Ubuntu users, the biggest changes include the introduction of selective sync, Indicator Applet support, and a much more efficient client-side engine.
Ubuntu for Facebook Users [Screencasts]
Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx, is a great desktop operating system for Facebook users. Not only is it faster and more secure than using Windows, it also has features that help integrate Facebook into the desktop experience.