Showing headlines posted by jennyrl
Linux drives the world’s fastest computer
Roadrunner running on Linux, breaks a modest threshold of 1,000 trillion calculations per second on Monday.
Top 5 ways not to be a Linux evangelist - humor
From my conversations and my own personal perspective I include a list of the top five ways not to evangelize Linux, or perhaps restated, how not to screw up a good thing:
Chicks Love Linux
There I was standing around the LUG booth at the annual Linux expo when I realized that unlike years past, there were considerable numbers of female attendants. No, I am not referring exclusively to those female models hired to promote an OS (I won't mention which one) wearing skimpy demon costumes.
Essential commands for Linux network administration
In this article, Mark Rais shares a list of those essential networking commands every beginning Linux administrator needs to know.
Top Ten Reasons for a Linux Laptop - Humor
In a bit of off the cuff humor, Mark Rais creates another Linux Top Ten countdown. As always, he recommends downloading and listening to a drum roll mpg while reading the list.
Linux Thin Client: Considering the Network
Much information already exists concerning methods for deploying networks and hardware using thinclients. However, in this excerpt from David Richard's book, we shall try to clarify those essential differences between using a network with personal computers and thin clients. Certain network designs prove to be very stable and provide the best possible solution...
Linux Server Administration: Basic Linux Firewalls
In this article Mark Rais shares some of the basics of setting up a Linux firewall using the iptables tool. It includes a review of some firewall options, basics of getting started, details of the iptables syntax and some example configurations.