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wyoGuide, another way to improve the Linux desktop

Improving the desktop by improving the applications

Master iptables with GUI Firewall Builders

  • EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet; By Carla Schroder aka tuxchick (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 12:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I believe that any network or system administrator who wishes to maintain an iptables firewall should learn iptables well, and be able to easily whip up a basic firewall from scratch. But learning how to do this is the tricky part, so this is where firewall builder programs earn their beans. With a firewall building utility you can get a functioning firewall up and running, and have scripts and rulesets to study. There are gazillions of the things, so today we'll look at three that I think are pretty good: Lokkit, KMyFirewall, and Firewall Builder.

Linux Professional Institute's Restructuring Begins with Staff Reductions

  •; By Tom Adelstein (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 12:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
As previously announced, LPI has entered a reorganization mode. With the termination of their international exam developers and subject matter specialists, questions abound.

Sun releases Sparc specs to lure Linux

Company fulfills pledge to release UltraSparc chip details to make it easier to bring Linux and versions of BSD Unix to its systems.

Sun Releases T1 Specs to Open-Source Community

By releasing"Niagara" specs, Sun hopes to create a community around the processor.

Nokia and MySQL Collaborate on Next Generation Telecommunication

ESPOO, Finland, February 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Nokia (NYSE: NOK - News), the world leader in mobile communications, and MySQL AB, the leading global supplier of database technology, today announced an agreement under which Nokia plans to use MySQL® Cluster database technology in its next generation telecommunication subscriber register solution. Subscriber registers are essential to maintain real-time information about mobile and converged network users. Nokia plans to incorporate MySQL's database technologies into Nokia's next generation telecommunication subscriber register solution.

My desktop OS: Mandriva PowerPack 2006

I like life simple, and I despise discovering hidden complexities behind mundane tasks. I want minimal effort to yield huge impact -- and that's what I get from the Mandriva PowerPack 2006. I can perform installation, setup, update management, and routine tasks without having to fiddle, tweak, or even think. It's just my desktop, simple and clean, and when I want to kick it into high gear so I can prove to be the best little worker-bee in my office, I click buttons or follow menus, and it just works. Windows definitely doesn't do that!

Ubuntu takes on XP in the gadget arena

Many Linux users keep Windows around because they know Linux won't (easily) do some special "thing" they can't live without. But this is 2006, and Linux has come a long way toward being a true desktop alternative. I decided to compare Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger with Windows XP SP2 to see how each performed with three late-model digital accessories -- a Polaroid izone 550 camera, a Panasonic PV-GS150 camcorder, and a Hewlett-Packard PSC 1510 printer/copier/scanner. Ubuntu did very well, but could it beat Windows?

Funding free software projects

  • Blog; By Mark Shuttleworth (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 9:29 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Successful open source projects are usually initiated by someone with a clear vision and also the knowledge to set about turning that vision into reality. But what happens when someone has an idea and also has the resources to hire programmers to execute that idea?

Network Monitoring with Ethereal

If you're familiar with network analysis tools but still haven't taken Ethereal for a spin, here's a quick look at what it can do.

Web site helps you log-on to subscription sites and conceal identity

  •; By Tom Adelstein (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 7:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
People complain about sites that require you to obtain a subscription and you don't want to sign up. So, you miss the opportunity to read an article.

At Lxer, we only require registration if you want to post comments. That's part of our terms of service. We want to notify you if we moderate a comment.

But some sites want your name address and email strictly for advertising. So, here's a place to go when you just want to read an article they submitted here or Google News, etc. Visit them at Bug me Not


Recognizing rudeness in the open source culture

One of the defining characteristics of open source culture is its distinctive notions of what does and does not constitute rudeness. While the conventions described below are not unique to free software development, nor even to software in general—they would be familiar to anyone working in mathematics, the hard sciences, or engineering disciplines—free software, with its porous boundaries and constant influx of newcomers, is an environment where these conventions are especially likely to be encountered by people unfamiliar with them.

Gentoo Linux founder quits Microsoft

After working for Linux's rival for less than a year, Daniel Robbins has quit his job, complaining that he was unable to work at his 'full level of technical ability'

Scalix 10 Promises Enterprise-Ready Calendaring, E-Mail

Scalix and Open-Xchange announce new products at San Francisco's Open Source Business Conference.

Automatix, the answer to Ubuntu newbie prayers

Getting Ubuntu configured “just right” used to take time, effort, and command line skillz. And then came Automatix – the fastest and easiest way to get Ubuntu rocking.

Get the facts: Linux vs Windows on TCO

The OSDL and Levanta have kicked back at Microsoft's "Get the facts" campaign, with research of their own proving that Linux offers lower or equal total cost of ownership than Windows in the enterprise environment.

E-Governance major focus on 2nd day of LinuxAsia Convention

  • India Infoline (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 5:05 AM EDT)
The second day at the LinuxAsia 2006, the region’s premier Open Source conference and expo, saw speakers from government and industry recount experiences in implementation of Open Source e-governance projects.

Speaking at the e-Governance Forum in the convention, Dr. Neeta Shah, Director E-Governance, Government of Gujarat, informed that the state government had taken up an ambitious project, completely based on open-source, which will integrate 100 plus different department web sites, on a single platform. The project, called “e-databank’ is expected to make life much easier for the common man. Mr. Prakash Kumar, IT Secretary Government of Delhi, offered to guide other state governments in emulating the successful e-governance initiatives of the Government of Delhi.

He, however, pointed out that in some cases the IPR is not owned by them, which becomes a hindrance in transferring the code. He also mentioned the need of standardisation of basic processes and systems of data capture and citizen interaction, across the country, so that the states can share and optimize resources. He averred that open-source would be an ideal solution for citizen interface as it is regional language friendly.

E28 Limited to Add Boingo Wireless Toolkit to Linux Smartphones

  • PR Newswire; By Press release (Posted by tadelste on Feb 14, 2006 2:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
Global Wi-Fi Roaming Authentication Enhances E28's Lineup of Sleek, Powerful, Dual-Mode Handsets With Public Broadband Options to Improve VoIP and Streaming Media

Sun plans to get Linux on UltraSPARC via Xen

Sun has plans to offer the Linux set a bit of Niagara Viagra. Sun's engineers have been beavering away on a hypervisor layer that sits on the company's UltraSPARC T1 - aka Niagara - processor and allows operating systems such as Linux and BSD to run on the chip

OpenSolaris charter ratified

Sun Microsystems and Sun's Community Advisory Board have both ratified the OpenSolaris Charter. The charter's two main aims are the creation of an OpenSolaris Governing Body and the creation of a constitution for OpenSolaris.

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