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Peppermint Four Review: The distro in the clouds!

Remember Bespin, the city in the clouds in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back? Bespin was the place Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia flew to in hopes of temporarily escaping the wrath of the Empire. Unfortunately, it didn't work out very well for them since Darth Vader nabbed all of them. But there's also a Linux distro that also lives in the clouds and it's called Peppermint Four. No need to worry though, the Empire doesn't know about Peppermint Four so you should be safe.

Install VirtualBox 4.2.16 in Linux Mint 15

  • ITworld; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on Jul 26, 2013 11:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Here's how you can install VirtualBox 4.2.16 in Linux Mint 15.

Install Facebook for desktop in Ubuntu 13.04

Here's how you can install Facebook for your Ubuntu 13.04 desktop. This tip also works for Linux Mint 15, but not for 12.10. Some will probably wonder why you should bother with a desktop version of Facebook instead of the web site. Well, sometimes it's a bother to keep a web browser open just to keep up with Facebook.

Are OEM Android interfaces bloated and filled with junk?

Today in Open Source: Stock Android or an OEM version with bloatware? Plus: Top Android 4.3 features, and Ubuntu versus Xubuntu

Linux Distro Wars: Is it time to shut up and make nice?

Today in Open Source: Time for the distro wars to end? Plus: Ubuntu's Edge, and Android 4.3

Ubuntu forums hacked, Tux the penguin joins the NRA

Today in Open Source: Hacker steals user info from Ubuntu forums. Plus: Did ad blockers destroy The H? Canonical needs money for an Ubuntu phone

Linux Mint 15 KDE video review, screenshot tour and download links

  • ITworld; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on Jul 22, 2013 9:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
Today in Open Source: Linux Mint 15 KDE is out! Plus: Take a screenshot tour, watch a video review, and download Linux Mint 15 KDE

Lay waste to your enemies with Dota 2 for Linux via Steam!

Today in Open Source: Dota 2 is now available for Steam on Linux. Plus: Wine 1.6 released, and how to install Unity alternatives in Ubuntu.

More than 100 free open source apps and games!

Datamation has great list of free, fun open source apps and games. If you're looking for some software, check out this list.

Free BitTorrent Sync app for Linux

Use private file and folder syncing on your Linux computer

Are Android gaming consoles doomed?

Android gaming consoles have hit the market, but are they doomed to die a quick death? Can Google save them with its own system?

Is Linus Torvalds too "abusive" on the Linux Kernel Mailing List?

There's a controversy raging among Linux developers about abusive language allegedly used by Linux Torvalds and other Linux developers on the Linux Kernel Mailing List. Sarah Sharp, an Intel Linux developer, commented about it in a post on the LKML.

Wine and Windows RT: What's the point?

Today in Open Source: Windows RT is a waste of time for developers, Linux 3.11 features, Linux Mint 15 KDE

Are there too many Linux distros? Is distro overload killing Linux on the desktop?

Christine Hall at Foss Force considers whether or not Linux offers too much in the way of choice for users. Do we have too many distros available? Has that hurt the adoption of Linux on the desktop? I'm inclined to agree with her that choice isn't the problem with desktop Linux. In fact, the range of choices available are one of the primary strengths of Linux. It's what sets Linux apart from Windows (gag!) and OS X (pretty but locked up tight by Apple).

Bashing Ubuntu's Unity: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Are Unity critics really being fair to Ubuntu and Canonical? We all know that Unity has gotten a ton of criticism right from the very beginning. Heck, I even smacked it around in one of my columns for Eye On Linux. The column was called Unity: Ubuntu’s Descent Into Madness!

Fedora 19 Schrodinger's Cat (Meow!) Reviews

  • ITworld; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on Jul 11, 2013 1:36 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Fedora
Fedora has never been one of my favorite desktop distros since it seems to tend more toward enterprise level usage. That's not to say that there's anything wrong with it, but it's just never wowed me enough to really consider it versus Linux Mint Debian Edition or vanilla Debian.

Ubuntu versus Linux Mint: Who's the desktop champ?

  • Itworld; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on Jul 10, 2013 10:45 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Ubuntu
Today in open source: Linux Mint takes versus Ubuntu on the desktop, linux distros battle for tablet supremacy, linux is here to stay

CrunchBang 11 Waldorf Review

  • Desktop Linux Reviews; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on May 21, 2013 2:55 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Debian
A full review of CrunchBang Linux 11 Waldorf.

Debian 7.0 Wheezy Review

  • Desktop Linux Reviews; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on May 6, 2013 10:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Debian
A full review of Debian 7 Wheezy.

Ubuntu 13.04 Review

  • Desktop Linux Reviews; By Jim Lynch (Posted by jimlynch on Apr 27, 2013 2:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Ubuntu
Ubuntu 13.04 has been released, so it’s time to take yet another look at Canonical’s popular distro. This time around Ubuntu’s code name is “Raring Ringtail.” It appears to be a reference to the ring-tailed cat. I had no idea what a ring-tail cat is, so of course I googled.

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