Showing headlines posted by ostechnix
« Previous ( 1 ... 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ... 50 ) Next »Learn To Use Man Pages Efficiently
It is important to learn to use man pages efficiently to find out what exactly you want to know. In this brief tutorial, I will be sharing few important tricks which I use daily when referring man pages.
How To Safely Install Packages Using Npm Or Yarn On Linux
Safely install Npm packages by auditing them for known vulnerabilities using "Npq" in Linux.
Execute Commands On Remote Linux Systems Via SSH
If you ever wondered how to execute commands on remote Linux systems over SSH from your local system, here is how to do it.
How To Check Weather Details From Command Line In Linux
Check weather details from command line using utility and curl command on Linux.
Ubuntu Post Installation Script To Install Essential Applications
A simple BASH script to install essential applications on Ubuntu operating systems.
How To Keep Ownership And File Permissions Intact When Copying Files Or Directories
This brief guide explains how to keep ownership and file permissions intact when copying files and directories on Linux.
How To Replay The Recorded Terminal Sessions Using Scriptreplay Command
Record the Terminal sessions using Script command and play them using using Scriptreplay command on Linux operating systems.
How To Make Fish Shell Beauitiful On Linux
Oh My Fish (shortly omf) is a Fishshell framework that allows you to install packages which extend or modify the look and feel of your shell.
Microsoft Teams Is Now Officially Available For Linux
Microsoft Teams client is now officially available for Linux users.
Toplip - A Very Strong File Encryption And Decryption CLI Utility
Toplip is a free and open source encryption utility that uses a very strong encryption method called AES256, along with an XTS-AES design to safeguard your confidential data.
Deb-pacman : A Pacman-style Frontend For APT Package Manager
Using Deb-pacman, you can use the pacman commands, as the way you use them under Arch Linux to install, update, upgrade and remove packages, in a Debian-based system.
McFly - A Replacement To 'Ctrl+R' Bash History Search Feature
McFly is a simple CLI tool written in Rust programming language that replaces the default Ctrl+r Bash history search with an intelligent search engine.
How To Boot Into Rescue Mode Or Emergency Mode In Ubuntu 18.04
How to boot into rescue mode and/or emergency mode in Linux systems that uses Systemd.
Introduction To Version Control System
This guide explains what is Version control system, its advantages and types of version control systems.
Some Alternatives To 'top' Command line Utility You Might Want To Know
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about some good alternatives to 'top', the command line task manager program.
How To Comment Out Multiple Lines At Once In Vim Editor
5 Proven Ways To Comment Out Multiple Lines At Once In Vim Editor.
How To Install NodeJS On Linux
Install Node.js on popular Linux operating systems including Arch Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora etc.
How To Fix “E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock” Error On Ubuntu
My method should fix the problem and will work just fine 99% of time. But please be mindful that if the update process is running and you killed the process in the middle of package installation, you might end up with broken system. In such cases, don’t panic, just follow the below guide to fix it.
How To Find Ubuntu Support Duration From Commandline
There is a command named "ubuntu-support-status" which tells us the actual support period of a Ubuntu distribution. You don't need to go to Ubuntu site or any other sites.
Introduction To Docker Compose
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications. With Compose, we use a YAML file to configure our application’s services.
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