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Open-Xchange partners with InTech-Solutions to provide Professional Services for OX 5.0, the Leading Messaging and Collaboration Solution

  • (Posted by grouch on Jun 14, 2006 4:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Press Release
InTech Solutions accelerates US presence for leading open source collaboration vendor

Arcom's new SBC-GX533 Development Kit allows fast design of ...

Arcom's new Development Kit allows faster and easier development of a wide range of embedded devices in a Linux environment. The kit's SBC-GX533 board has a compact Arcom Embedded Linux image installed in its onboard Flash. All onboard hardware features are supported, allowing unrestricted access to their functionality, while all unnecessary software functions have been removed, leaving a compact image of just 13 MB. This can save weeks or even months of development effort compared with configuring a Linux image from scratch.

Linux Networx Accelerators Expected to Drive Up to 4x Price ...

Linux Networx, The Linux Supercomputing Company, today announced that it is applying its industry-leading supercomputing expertise to the delivery of a series of innovative application acceleration solutions expected to deliver up to 4x the price/performance value of current application accelerators for key applications.

FreeMED Software Foundation Board of Trustees

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News; By Irving J Buchbinder, DPM (Posted by grouch on Jun 14, 2006 1:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Community, GNU, Linux
The Board of Trustees of theFreeMED Software Foundation, INC is pleased to announce that Sanjay Udoshi, MD of Wilkes-Barre, PA has accepted the position of Secretary to the Foundation Board.

Dr. Udoshi has been active with the development of FreeMED and promotion of Open Source for use in medicine and medical practice.

Open ENTERPRISE: Oracle: The biggest Linux vendor you've never ...

Quick -- name a company that has invested heavily and continuously in open source, is one of the top contributors to Linux kernel development, and offers full enterprise support for Linux to thousands of customers.

Mysql Helps Set World Record in Java Application Server Benchmarks

A popular application server benchmark, featuring a complete open source software stack with MySQL 5.0 database, the Solaris 10 Operating System, and Sun Java Systems Application Server 9.0 Platform Edition (Project GlassFish) has shattered the competition by offering up to 8.6 times lower cost of acquisition than the comparable solution, according to the benchmark test results

Medsphere at ZDnet

"Can open source save your life?" by Dana Blankenhorn at ZDnet. Nice overview, with pictures, and comments by Medsphere's Scott and Steve Shreeve. Good to see in this in the mainstream media (ZDnet anyway!)

Commentary: Beware when Microsoft reaches out this week ran a story entitled "Can Windows and Open Source Learn to Play Nice?" The opening paragraph of that story, written by Peter Galli, reads "Microsoft has been reaching out to the open-source community to try to find ways to overcome the incompatibilities between software distributed under the GNU General Public License and its own commercial software." Anytime I read of Microsoft "reaching out" to someone, the hackles on the back of my neck appear and I hunker down into a defensive position.

Microsoft Cozies Up to the GPL?

Opinion: Microsoft cuddling up to open source is something like a snake cuddling up with a rabbit.

Javed Tapia quits as Red Hat India president

  • CRN-India; By Nirendra Dev (Posted by grouch on Jun 13, 2006 8:58 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Red Hat
Javed Tapia, president of Red Hat Indian Subcontinent, has put in his papers announcing his departure from the vanguard open source vendor?s India operations. He, however, would continue to be one of the directors.

Oracle(R) Validated Configurations Offer Faster Linux Deployment

Fully-Tested Solutions Continue Oracle's Efforts To Drive Down IT Costs

Fiveruns launches open source management tools

At the JBoss World conference, a year-old startup is launching a hosted systems management service that is aimed at getting Windows shops over their fear of open source.

Bridging the Digital Divide in Health: The Role of FOSS

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News; By Ignacio H. Valdes, MD, MS (Posted by grouch on Jun 13, 2006 5:46 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Announcements; Groups: Community, GNU, Linux
According to Molly Cheah on theopenhealth list Dr. Joan Dzenowagis has apresentation (pdf'ed ppt) entitled Bridging the Digital Divide in Health The Role of Free and Open Source Software:"Dr. Joan Dzenowagis, is based at the World Health Organization, where she is Project Manager of the United Nations Health InterNetwork, led by WHO. This initiative is one of the four initiatives of the UN Millennium Action Plan launched by Secretary General Kofi Annan in September 2000. The Health InterNetwork is a public-private partnership which aims to improve the flow of health information for scientists, health professionals and policy makers in developing countries, using the Internet."

Brainstorming ways to push open source

Having the latest computer technology is great. But what e-government users from the public sector as well as citizens really want is software interoperability. Unfortunately IT managers still only pay lip service to such interoperability, concludes a European project assessing today’s open-source movement.

I Technologies Corp (ITC) Joins the Open Source Community

I Technologies Corp (ITC) with its corporate offices located in Hartford, CT announces the release of ITCWorks™ Ver 2.1, an Open Source all Java Framework Library.

Hospital OS Software, Key to Sustainable Development in Thai Hospitals

  • GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News; By Nalinee Chanyavanich (Posted by grouch on Jun 13, 2006 2:54 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Community, GNU, Linux
Nowadays, large hospitals in Thailand have started investing a hefty sum of money in internal information management system to increase their healthcare service efficiency. However, the majority of hospitals in Thailand, especially those in remote communities, still lack Information Technology (IT) fund for such software development.

Dear Adelie: All about me

Tux's less famous sister answers even your silliest questions on Linux and open source software.

CLI Magic: ext2hide veils sensitive files

User Level: Advanced ext2hide is a proof-of-concept program that seeks to magically hide confidential data and files where nobody will look for them. It accomplishes its magic by making use of otherwise abandoned space in the superblocks in ext2/ext3 filesystems. Even though Jason McManus, the author of the code, has been testing and using ext2hide on his own machines without catastrophic results, I urge you to use the utmost caution both in testing and using it. If you don't grok superblocks and filesystems, you probably should not experiment with ext2hide, at least until it's out of beta testing.

MirrorMed releases MirrorMed 1.0 RC3

The latest release ofMirrorMed is now available for download.MirrorMed-1.0RC3 has several new important features. Mostly, the billing workflow has been dramatically improved.

"incremental Blogger" Offers Tablet PC Users Ink for Firefox Plug ...

  • Tablet PC Reviews; By Barry J. Doyle (Posted by grouch on Jun 12, 2006 11:05 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Mozilla
Tablet PC users who are looking for ink functionality in the Mozilla Firefox browser are sure to dig trying out an "alpha" ink plug-in. Loren from Incremental Blogger has posted a download for his new utility.

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