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« Previous ( 1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ... 50 ) Next »Autostart Tmux Session On Remote Linux System When Logging In Via SSH
This brief tutorial explains how to autostart Tmux session on a remote Linux system when logging in via SSH from your local system.
How To Zoom Tmux Panes For Better Text Visibility
This guide explains how to zoom in Tmux panes to fit them into the full size of current Terminal window and zoom out them again to its normal position in Linux.
A List Of Useful Console Services For Linux Users
Here is a list some useful console services for Linux users. All of the console services are accessible from command line via http, https and other network protocols like ssh and telnet.
Compress And Decompress Files In Parallel Using Pigz
In this guide, let us learn to compress and decompress files in parallel using Pigz in Linux.
How To Monitor Linux System Uptime Using Uptimed
Using Uptimed, we can easily display a summary of historical uptime records, such as how long a Linux system has been up, what is the highest uptime, when the system has been rebooted etc.
How To Change Apache Default Port To A Custom Port In Linux
Change Apache default port to a custom port on CentOS, Ubuntu Linux
Linux Troubleshooting - semanage command not found in CentOS 7/8 And RHEL 7/8
semanage command is not found in CentOS 7 / CentOS 8 and RHEL 7 / RHEL 8 minimal editions. Here is how to find which package provides semanage command and install it.
Linux Troubleshooting – netstat command not found in CentOS 7/8 And RHEL 7/8
netstat command not found in CentOS 7, 8 and RHEL 7, 8. Here is how to get the netstat command working in CentOS 7/8 and RHEL 7/8 systems.
Install Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP Stack) In CentOS 8
This step by step guide explains how to install Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP Stack) in CentOS 8 minimal server.
How To Run Single Command On Multiple Remote Systems At Once
PSSH, or Parallel SSH, is a command line suite that helps you to ssh in parallel on a number of hosts.
How To Prevent Files And Folders From Accidental Deletion Or Modification In Linux
chattr (abbreviation of Change Attribute) is a command line tool used to prevent files and folders from accidental deletion or modification in Unix-like distributions.
Vimium Helps You To Browse The Web With Vim Keybindings
This tutorial explains how to browse the web with Vim Keybindings using Vimium browser extension.
How To Manually Add Messages To Linux System Log Files
This guide explains how to manually add messages to Linux system log files using logger command to test a log server.
How To Install Perl Modules On Linux
This brief guide explains how to install Perl modules on Linux from CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) repository using cpan and cpanminus clients.
Some Useful Tools For Linux System Admins
This guide provides a list of useful tools for Linux system admins. These tools may not be useful all the time, but some of them might help. Sysadmin-util is a collection of useful tools for Linux system admins and anyone who wants to improve their Linux command line skill-sets in general.
Install Anaconda Python Distribution On Linux
This step-by-step tutorial explains how to install Anaconda Python distribution on Linux operating system.
How To Find Broken Symlinks And Delete Them On Linux
Find and delete the unused broken symlinks on Linux using 'symlinks' utility and "find" command.
Install Racket Programming Language On Linux
This guide explains how to install Racket programing language on Linux.
How To Save Linux Command Output To An Image Or A Text File
Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to send the output of a Linux command to your colleague or friend to get help? This simple Linux hack will definitely be useful to you.
Tuptime - A CLI Utility To Find Linux System Uptime
Tuptime, the uptime command's alternative, is a command line utility to find Linux system uptime details.
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