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Whiskey, Linux and RAM

The continuing adventures of a new open source tinkerer this week takes him to that part of the Linux Zone known as "oh-yeah-I-shoulda-checked-that-first." We'll resist the urge to poke fun and give him an A for effort.

Anecdotal Comparison of Steam on Linux Vs Windows

The word on the street is that gaming on Linux doesn't work as well as on Brand X. According to our everyday Super Geek, that seems to be just another Microsoft myth.

SourceForge Seeks a Return to Relevancy

The new owners of SourceForge, once the primary code repository for open source projects, work to make good on a promise to restore a reputation that was tarnished by its former owners.

Canonical Goes Snap Happy, Nextcloud 9 Released & More…

Also included: Two distros with new releases, Fedora 24 due on Tuesday and Ammon, Idaho thinks out-of-the-box.

Open Source Agriculture

  • FOSS Force; By Phil Shapiro (Posted by brideoflinux on Jun 17, 2016 2:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Video
An open source tool, the Food Computer, is being developed at MIT that can be used to create, save, and share climates for growing crops, maximized for nutrition, yield and taste, regardless of location or season.

A Conversation With the Award-Winning Rikki Endsley

She won an award last month at OSCON, which means she really and truly is “the award-winning Rikki Endsley.”

Ubuntu MATE Linux: It’s Not Rocket Science

The continuing adventures of a new open source tinkerer and his experiences with Ubuntu MATE on a vintage Sony Vaio.

How My Trip to SELF Turned Into a Nightmare

Our writer goes to the Queen City of Charlotte, North Carolina for the SouthEast LinuxFest. Instead of having a good time, however, the trip turned into a nightmare, but it's not SELF's fault.

The Python Kids Club

An 11-year-old asks her grandfather how computer games are made and he tells her they're created by programmers "using complex mathematical code." The next thing he knows, she's learning Python on her own, and getting her chums involved too.

Open Source Bionics Promise: Affordably Make Lives Better

We already know that open source gives us better and more secure software. But with the advent of 3D printing, the open source model shows even more meaningful promise in areas like open source bionics.

Microsoft to Acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 Billion

With today’s announcement of Microsoft’s planned purchase of LinkedIn, it appears that the business oriented social site will soon become a platform for connecting with Redmond’s proprietary products.

Software Freedom Conservancy’s Karen Sandler On FOSS and the IoT

As an increasing number of our devices become connected to the Internet, Karen Sandler explains, the openness of open source becomes more important than ever.

Bruce Byfield Talks ‘Designing With LibreOffice’

Byfield’s thoughtful book on design using LibreOffice can help improve the quality of both online and print material you create with LibreOffice — or even with its progenitor, OpenOffice.

Raspbian Ups Its Game

Our Pi guy takes a look at the latest and greatest release of the Debian based distro Raspbian and finds much to like.

Tiny Core Linux 7.1: Big Where It Counts

There's an old cliché that promises "big things come in small packages." Our reviewer takes a look at Tiny Core Linux and finds a lot of wallop in its 16MB size.

Happy Birthday, Phoronix!

Phoronix, the website published by Michael Larabel and his team, is having its twelfth birthday today. And while websites can’t eat cake, the people who keep them up and running can, so we’re hoping that Larabel and his friends partake of some cake and ice cream today to celebrate all of the great work they do through the site.

ownCloud Forked as Nextcloud & More…

Also included: Four new distros, the quote of the week, Steam Machine lacks steam, Ubuntu's tool for making Snaps, and ArchAssault changes its name.

FOSS and Grits With Southern Fried Linux

There’s a component to the SouthEast LinuxFest that’s not seen at most other free and open source conferences, as the conference seeks to celebrate not only FOSS, but Southern culture as well.

If Your Kickstarter Campaign Isn’t Ready for Prime Time

What do you do if you have an open source idea you think might get some traction from a Kickstarter campaign but you’re not sure it’s ready?

Chitu Okoli on FOSS Business Models

At the turn of the century, generating positive interest in free and open source software was an uphill battle. These days FOSS practically runs the enterprise and is the subject of many academic studies, including one by Concordia University's Chitu Okoli.

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