Showing headlines posted by hkwint
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Open XML Validator and Document-Library in the Making
Linux doesn't need marketing
LXer Feature: 19-May-2009
Most Linux adepts will agree Linux could have a higher market share than it does today, if it had been marketed more effectively in the past. Therefore, lots of those adepts stress “Linux needs more marketing!” Some efforts have been done, most notably I remember the Indy 500 car which advertised Linux, and more recently the "We're Linux" Video Contest by Linux Foundation. One question hasn't been answered as of yet however: What's the goal of marketing Linux?
Detecting Conficker with Linux Tools
A Gentoo User Gives Debian a Go Around
A few weeks ago, I installed Debian for the first time on the desktop. Once, a friend and I installed a console-only version on another desktop and we connected remotely to his hosted game server which also ran Debian, so I hoped I should be a bit familiar with it. I have to note however, I have run Gentoo for the past four years, and most of the times it's hard to 'learn' something else. However, I still liked to try and find out for myself if Debian was an easy distribution to use. So, how did I fare?
Toshiba Ubuntu netbook announced for the UK
Microsoft announcement tomorrow: No more Seinfeld ads!
[ Not FOSS related at all. But we should stay up to date with 'innovative' firms, don't we? - hkwint ]
T-DOSE Open Source Conference NL oct. 2008: Call for Papers
T-DOSE 2008 will be held on 25 and 26 October 2008 at the Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven (Google Maps), and abstracts can be sent until 30th September .
Sorry for posting this late. I'll be there too, and Sander might as well. - hkwint]
The Mess That is Linux Volume Management
The GNU/Linux operating system is blessed to have sound partition management tools like GParted which are very easy to use. However, when it comes to the management of 'virtual partitions' known as volumes, things are quite different. There is Logical Volume Management, or LVM for short, however it can only really be used from the command line. Also, it doesn't integrate software RAID - except for striping. I was quite optimistic when I started using volume management some four years ago, but not anymore. Let me explain why I'm disappointed.
IP Justice White Paper on the Proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
After the multi-lateral treaty’s scope and priorities are negotiated by the few countries invited to participate in the early discussions, ACTA’s text will be “locked” and other countries who are later “invited” to sign-on to the pact will not be able to re-negotiate its one-sided terms. It is claimed that signing-on to the trade agreement will be "voluntary", but few countries will have the muscle to refuse an “invitation” to join, once the rules have been set by the select few conducting the negotiations.
[This is news because May 22th a discussion paper appeared at WikiLeaks. In March, when it was yet unknown what ACTA would look like, IP Justice published the white paper the 'Full Story" links too. It's a paper about how the rich governments try to almost forbid P2P, stifle innovation through broader 'piracy protection', colonize poor countries and create more opportunities to spy on its citizens. All that in a secret undemocratic way; taking away digital rights. However, their excuses are quite good: Stopping dangerous fake-medicines, car parts etc. - hkwint]
Open source trumps Microsoft in UK schools
NL: Administrative Court publishes automatic document conversion tool
"Official" appeal from the South African national Body regarding the fast track processing of OOXML (PDF)
Moscow regional government (possibly) to migrate to Open Source desktop
[Hmm, yeah, news from Russia travels a bit slow to LXer it seams; or is it just I should check the migration news more often? - hkwint]
Russian Post migrates to Linux for losses
[Sunday is a good day to bring old news from a month ago, isn't it? Nonetheless, 125.000 new Linux desktop users are normally a reason for a big article, so a bit strange we missed this one. Sorry on behalf of the LXer team - hkwint]
The patentability of software and business methods in Europe (PDF)
Microsoft Makes Strategic Changes in Technology and Business Practices to Expand Interoperability
[ In short: Microsoft closedness is backfiring, causing them troubles and they admit it. They are finally going to specify which patents come along with which of their protocols, and going to grant cheap commercial / gratis for non commercial use RAND licenses for those patents. I think this announcement could have a very big impact on Linux & free / open source software, that's why I'm posting this Microsoft news. If you believe it it's up to you; last time I posted a MS press release about their 'openness' it turned out to be all lies (called OOXML), so be aware, you are warned! - hkwint ]