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Unix: Pretty Spry for "Dead."

Since SGI's bankruptcy and many changes for most Unix vendors, many media outfits have been playing the "Unix is dead" card pretty heavily.

Reporter's dream assignment: Free Beer

The open-source movement isn't limited to computers. The "code" for a good brew is making the rounds. Marketplace strong-armed reporter Ethan Lindsey into tracking down the source.

[Boy, this really messes with the whole "it's not free as in free beer" thing. - dcparris]

Yellow Dog goes gold for PS3

Terra Soft Solutions this week released Yellow Dog Linux 5.0, a Fedora-based distribution tailored to run on Sony PlayStation 3, for free download. It features a graphical installation program, an updated 2.6.16 kernel, and Enlightenment 17 as the default desktop.

Fedora Legacy shutting down

In case any of you are not aware, the Fedora Legacy project is in the process of shutting down. The current model for supporting maintenance distributions is being re-examined. In the meantime, we are unable to extend support to older Fedora Core releases as we had planned. As of now, Fedora Core 4 and earlier distributions are no longer being maintained.

Amsterdam's Open Source Experiment

In a recent interview with IT Business Edge, open source expert Bernard Golden said Microsoft’s response to the success of Linux (or open source in general) has been to create an ecosystem around its products — presumably so it isn’t so easy to replace Windows components with open source ones.

Five Open Source Predictions for 2007

Open-source advocates are predicting big things for open source in the coming year.

Kate OS Linux rev adds graphical package manager

The KateOS project team, which maintains a full-featured Linux distribution derived from Slackware Linux, last week released an installation version. KateOS version 3.2 features a 2.6.18 kernel, Xfce as its default desktop, and native support for the KDE and GNOME desktop environments.

Adempiere Project's Red1: Malaysia Primed for Open Source

"In enterprises, you don't have to go 100 percent open source." said ADempiere founder Redhuan D. Onn, aka Red1. "Eighty percent of the IT expenditure would go to the business software such as ERP, SCM, business intelligence, reporting tools, etc. This is where open source should be targeted at -- where you can save the most."

[Hmmm... I would have said you don't have to go 100% percent proprietary. But that's just me. I'm proprietary-free in '07

Linux: Ubuntu Founder On Microsoft “Challenge”

Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth talks why it may finally be time for Linux to out-innovate Apple and Microsoft on the desktop.

[Gosh, I thought we had already done that. - dcparris]

Hot or Not: Web application vulnerabilities

There's no doubt that web applications have become the attackers' target of choice. In September, Mitre Corp.'s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list - a tally of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities - ranked cross-site scripting in the number one slot. In fact, cross-site scripting attacks surpassed buffer overflow vulnerabilities. And four of the top five reported vulnerabilities proved to be within web applications.

Red Hat to launch Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 before March

Red Hat is the biggest vendor of Linux operating system worldwide and the company is expected to ship the next version of its premium Linux product on February 28.

Amsterdam considers Open Source switch

Amsterdam has a desktop software contract with Microsoft until the end of 2008. The authorities in the city are looking at their options early, however, and are about to start testing the use of Open Source alternatives, considering a possible switch for 2009 and a reduced reliance on Microsoft's proprietary software.

Windows or Open Source: The Battle for Your Company's Computers is ...

"I think now the open-source world is coming to the realization that for projects to succeed they have to have funded developers," says Phillip Nelson, chief scientist at Plan Administrators Inc. "Way back in the golden age, when it was believed people were doing it out of the goodness of their heart, they were still paid by somebody."

[Anyone believing FOSS developers have ever lived off the sheer goodness of their hearts is sadly naive. FOSS projects are how some hackers got jobs to pay for more hacking. Duh! - dcparris]

Red Hat's Green Friday: 25% Jump In Stock Is Nice Christmas ...

Wall Street investors greeted Red Hat’s fiscal third quarter earnings report with a whopping 25 percent jump in the Linux software firm’s stock on Friday.

Slingbox comes to Linux (unofficially)

Oh, those Linux hackers. Sure, they're constantly endeavoring to put Linux on every device possible, from PDAs to open-source PVRs. But what about building desktop Linux clients for popular consumer devices, like say the Slingbox?

Easing embedded Linux software development for SBCs

  • Embedded Computing Design (press release); By Nathan Gustavson & Eric Rossi (Posted by dcparris on Dec 29, 2006 9:19 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Eclipse, Linux
Most programmers today leaving college with Electrical Engineering or Computer Science degrees are fairly well versed in programming on a Linux desktop platform. When these programmers need to take the leap to programming embedded Linux systems, they are often surprised and bewildered that the program they wrote on their desktop will not run their Linux embedded system.

Yrch! "path" Parameter Handling Remote PHP File Inclusion ...

A vulnerability has been identified in Yrch!, which could be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary commands. This issue is due to an input validation error in the "yrch/plugins/metasearch/" script that does not validate the "path" parameter, which could be exploited by remote attackers to include malicious PHP scripts and execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the web server.

News Bits: Red Hat Plans to Ship Next Version of Linux, Gefen ...

Red Hat's next version of its premium Linux product is supposed to be shipped on February 28.

Last year Gefen announced a wireless USB hub with a 30-foot range. Of course it didn't work as it was supposed to like many other wireless USB devices.


Open Source software (OSS) may be gaining popularity in the Philippines, but many small business owners are still unaware of how this technology can impact and improve their businesses. A majority of the 1,908,893 registered Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are still unaware of what open source is or how it can benefit their business. In contrast, industry giants Jollibee Foods Corporation and Mercury Drug Corporation are some examples of large enterprises in the country already making use of open source.

Hlstats "killLimit" Parameter Handling Remote SQL Query Injection ...

A vulnerability has been identified in HLstats, which could be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands. This issue is due to an input validation error in the "hlstats.php" script that does not validate the "killLimit" parameter before being used in SQL statements, which could be exploited by malicious users to conduct SQL injection attacks.

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