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« Previous ( 1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ... 48 ) Next »FLOSS Weekly 279: SCaLE 12X
SCaLE is a community run open-source and free software conference held annually in Los Angeles.
The Remarkable Intel NUC
My unit had Win 8.1 pre-installed on the SSD, but I could easily install various versions of Linux. I'm currently playing with the MINT distro. The NUC easily booted from any of the USB CD Drives I had laying around the house and quickly into Linux Mint. The machine immediately recognized all the weird USB devices I had hooked to a hub connected to the little box.
Android Dominated Apple At CES
About 150,000 people attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year, about 5,000 of whom were tech journalists.
FLOSS Weekly 278: arkOS
arkOS is a project designed to make self-hosting common web services easy for the general public.
Linux Mint 16 “Petra” KDE released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” KDE.
Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Xfce released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Xfce.
Petra backports available in Linux Mint 13
The most significant improvements in Petra are being backported to Maya.
FLOSS Weekly 277: Magnolia and Blossom
Magnolia is an open Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise-scale.
Closing the door on Windows: A guide to changing operating systems
Is it time for you to dump Windows XP, or maybe to abandon Windows altogether? Windows 8 has improved significantly with the 8.1 upgrade. Nevertheless, for many users, Windows 8’s modern-style interface—incorporating major changes like Live Tiles and the removal of the Start menu—remains an object of scorn. And security has always been a bigger headache for Windows than for other platforms.
FLOSS Weekly 276: FreePBX
Free PBX is an open source, web-based PBX solution, FreePBX is easy to customize and adapt to your changing needs. FreePBX can run in the cloud or on-site, and is currently being used to manage the business communications of all sizes and types of businesses from small one person SOHO businesses, to multi-location corporations and call centers. The FreePBX Ecosystem provides you with the Freedom and Flexibility to custom design business communications around your needs.
FLOSS Weekly 275: Amahi redo
Amahi is an open source software that runs on a dedicated PC as a central computer for your home. It handles your entertainment, storage, and computing needs. You can store, organize and deliver your recorded TV shows, videos and music to media devices in your network. Share them locally or safely around the world. And it's expandable with a multitude of one-click install apps.
How Hard Is It to Switch to Linux?
Just like any operating system, Linux has its pros and cons. You've heard the pros before: It's free, it's super customizable, and it helps you learn a lot more about how your computer works.
How To Rip DVDs On Linux OS
Ripping DVD’s has been well covered for Windows users who have plenty of options, but what about those running the Linux operating system? The options are far less, but it is still possible to back up your DVD collection so you can stream straight from your hard drive as part of a home theater setup. Remember that copying a DVD is illegal in a lot of Countries, but if you are just backing up your collection then most people believe it is fine to do.
FLOSS Weekly 274: ownCloud
ownCloud provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices -- wherever you are. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.
Linux Mint falsely accused of being “insecure”
Oliver Grawert made a pretty blunt claim on the Ubuntu Developer mailing list a couple of weeks ago, stating that Linux Mint is insecure, and that he wouldn’t deem it secure enough to do his banking. This claim appears to be mostly based on the fact that Linux Mint, by default, does not install certain updates, because they form a danger to the stability of the system.
Linux Mint 16 “Petra” MATE RC released!
The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” MATE RC.
Behold the animation magic of an Android interpolator
One of the aspects I enjoy most about developing software in the mobile space is getting to work extensively with animations. Animations help engage the user, unify the overall experience, and are just plain fun. Over the past few iterations, the animation framework inside the Android SDK has really grown; this includes the number of interpolators.
Dell's Sputnik 3 touchscreen laptop has Ubuntu Linux, Intel's Haswell
Dell has started selling a thin and light touchscreen laptop called the XPS 13 Developer Edition, which will have Ubuntu Linux OS and Intel’s fourth-generation Core processors, code-named Haswell.
mintCast 183 – Python, Twitter, and Pi
Main Topic: Python, Twitter, the Raspberry Pi, News, Websites, Tips, and Podcast Announcements.
SUSE Linux Operating System Is Preferred By Top Retailers
SUSE Linux Enterprise continues to be the preferred Linux operating system for retailers, running on a variety of hardware platforms. For retailers of all types, SUSE Linux Enterprise offers reliability, lower costs and greater security, from Point of Service (POS) to data center.
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