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Group aims to standardize Linux application packaging

The Free Standards Group has launched a working group aimed at creating a universal Linux application installation API (application programming interface). The Packaging Workgroup grew from an FSG-sponsored "face-to-face" last month in Berlin, where ISVs (independent software vendors) reportedly met with key Linux software packaging and installation tools developers.

U of R offers open source course

In recent years, software giants like Microsoft have found open source software like Linux and Firefox nipping at their heels.

Straddling the Open Source/Proprietary Fence

Given the jaw-dropping occurrences in the open source world last year (Red Hat’s acquisition of JBoss, Oracle’s announcement of “Unbreakable Linux,” and Novell’s patent pact with Microsoft, to name a few), InfoWorld’s Neil McAllister says balancing open and proprietary, commercial and free, will be the critical task for enterprise IT managers this year and for a time to follow.

REAL Software Ships REALbasic 2007 Release 1; Improves Universal Binary and Database Support

AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 2 /PRNewswire/ -- REAL Software, provider of REALbasic, cross-platform that really works, announced that REALbasic 2007 Release 1 is shipping today. In addition to improved reliability for building Universal Binary applications, REALbasic 2007 Release 1 improves support for MySQL, PostreSQL and ODBC compliant databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server. This release also improves support for QuickTime and making network connections via proxy servers. Recent improvements to database support include:

Tux Magazine folds

Tux magazine, billed as "The first and only magazine for the new Linux user," has published its last issue, according to a New Year's Day announcement by publisher Phil Hughes. The magazine had achieved a circulation of over 100,000 readers, Hughes said.

Open-source tracking system launched

An open-source wireless tracking system for following people around buildings got its first public use last week at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin.

Amsterdam to evaluate open source

Seeking independence from proprietary software, city joins growing list of other municipalities testing Linux.

Second Nasdaq warning for BEA

Easy come, easy go: Java middleware vendor BEA Systems has received a second warning from Nasdaq over potential delisting of its stock for failing to file financial results.

How to configure a scanner's buttons on Linux

  •; By Manolis Tzanidakis (Posted by dcparris on Jan 2, 2007 10:44 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
While not perfect, support for scanners on Linux is constantly improving; just check the list of devices supported by SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy -- the scanning suite for Linux and other Unix-like systems). One thing that's still missing though is a way to make a scanner's buttons work on Linux. That's what this tutorial is about.

Money Manager Ex for Linux

Money Manager is a personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes. It is also a tool to get a bird's eye view of your financial worth. The program supports checking accounts, savings and credit card accounts, as well as Fixed Deposit and Portfolio accounts. The Outlook-style interface provides an overview for all your accounts and total balance. You can transfer money between accounts, create custom categories to organize your income/expenses and more.

Suhosin: A Guardian Angel for PHP

  • Windows IT Pro; By Mark Joseph Edwards (Posted by dcparris on Jan 2, 2007 8:13 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: PHP
PHP is a hugely popular programming language used on countless Web sites. It's basically a scripting language, which essentially means that it compiles at runtime. PHP has a lot of community support, so a ton of open-source libraries are available for many different tasks. Some of the most popular applications available today, such as WordPress, are powered by PHP.

Planeshift Open Source MMORPG Developers wanted

PlaneShift is an Open Source MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) which is in a steady process of development . Technically PlaneShift is based on CrystalSpace (with CAL3D and CEL) and is programmed with a full featured client-/server-environment.

The year 2007: A review through the crystal ball

It's the season of the end-of-the-year reviews. We have used our crystal ball to jump forwards a year to provide you the ultimate review of 2007 -- here and now.

Red Hat buoyant as shares soar

Shares in Red Hat rose by 25 per cent after the company released details of its third-quarter results.

Linux is not an option

CHARLIE'S BLAST AT MICROSOFT, which you can find here, justly berates the software giant for clinging, Rottweiler-like, to its daft product activation scheme, which should have been sent to the gulag years ago. Vista, he claims, will play no part in his future plans, due to the frequency with which he upgrades, tweaks and otherwise spiffs-up his PCs.

Germany and France split on Google-beater

C'est la vie...Germany is withdrawing from an agreement with France to develop a Google-beating search engine.

Open source personal tracking system gets first test

The OpenBeacon tracking system was first tried out at the Chaos Communication Conference last week in Berlin.

Rackspace: A Study in Fanatical Customer Support

  • TechNewsWorld; By Jack M. Germain (Posted by dcparris on Jan 2, 2007 2:47 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The company successfully manages its customers' Internet and IT needs using what CTO John Engates calls "fanatical support." It addresses the concept that customer service is a lost art. "Being better than others is the sweet spot," he said. "We handle the gamut of clients, from those wanting to do it themselves to those that want to outsource everything."

Book review: 2 Guide expert Solveig Haugland has published a massive new manual called the 2 Guide. This 520-page tome will be useful both for OOo newbies and power users who are interested in learning arcane features of the office suite.

A new year, a new Knoppix

  • Heise Online; By Craig Morris (Posted by dcparris on Jan 2, 2007 12:37 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Better late than never: Klaus Knopper, the maker of Knoppix, has released version 5.1.0 of his Linux distribution that runs from CD or DVD. In addition to regular updates and the usual bug fixes, this latest version of Knoppix also contains a few genuine innovations.

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