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This week at LWN: Harald Welte on the flood of GPL violations

Though Harald Welte's contributions to the free software community are many, the work he is best known for may well be the effort. By pursuing those who ship his code (and that of others he represents) without complying with the source requirements of the GPL, Harald has secured the release of much code into the community, established a precedent upholding the GPL in German court, and greatly increased the respect many companies have for the GPL. Thanks to Harald, the GPL has some teeth.

Motorola joins Eclipse in mobile Linux push

Motorola has joined the Eclipse open source community which supports the adoption of open-source embedded software and tools including Linux.

Evolis opens up to Linux

Evolis embraces the Linux giveaway policy and the driver can therefore be downloaded free of charge from the Evolis Web site

[Next, they should embrace the open policy of Linux by getting their driver source to the kernel developers. -- grouch]

where have all the programmers gone?

In my inestimably valuable opinion, we need programmers (and related disciplines like QA, advanced math, and design) more than almost anything else. We’re in the very infancy of the computer age, and already we are intensively computerized, from toasters and refrigerators to inventory tags to vehicles to big ole factories.

So where are all these programmers going to come from? Not the US, with its laughable public education, scorn for science and engineering, and gutted colleges and universities.

Open source stirs up systems management market

To some, the arena of systems management is one exclusively controlled by an old guard of proprietary vendors like IBM, CA and Hewlett-Packard Co. However, a spate of new applications in systems management are proving that open source may have the clout to stake a claim in this market as well.

Debian Gives Linux a Bhutanese Touch

The CD includes a complete set of Dzongkha-localized applications, namely the Gnome environment, the OpenOffice suite, the Mozilla Web browser, the Evolution mail reader and GAIM as instant messaging application.

Firefox, iTunes, Skype Top Most Dangerous List

Firefox, iTunes, and Skype were the top 3 applications in a list of 15 with the most security vulnerabilities, a Cambridge, Mass.-based security company said this week.

The list from Bit9 calls out applications frequently downloaded by individuals (and thus perhaps not sanctioned by the enterprise) which have at least one critical vulnerability, and that rely on the end user, not the corporate IT department, to manually patch or upgrade to fix bugs.

[FUD alert! Notice how the set of "applications" is artificially limited to those "that rely on the end user [...] to manually patch". This leaves out Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x. I strongly recommend the author take a look at Secunia's Vulnerability Report for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x and compare it to Secunia's Vulnerability Report for Mozilla Firefox 1.x. MS IE6.x has 19 unpatched vulnerabilities. Firefox 1.x has 4. Even with all vendor patches applied, MS IE6.x has more unpatched, "moderately critical" vulnerabilities than the total number of unpatched vulnerabilities in Firefox 1.x. None of Firefox's unpatched vulnerabilities reach the level of "moderately critical". Put those numbers in your FUD-pipe and smoke 'em! -- grouch].

SimplyMEPIS 6.0 RC2 ready for download, test

The MEPIS team released the second release candidate of SimplyMEPIS 6.0, on June 21. RC2 adds bug fixes, security updates, and screen resolution detection, founder and lead developer Warren Woodford said. The distribution now also includes monitor resolution autodetection.

Kerala to be FOSS destination

PC sellers, smarting at Microsoft for juggling them in a legal trapez, are now looking upon an 83-year old crusader to settle their old scores with the IT behemoth. Kerala chief minister VS Achuthanandan is on a trip to develop the state as India’s FOSS (Free and Open Software Systems) destination, with backing from National Informatics Centre (NIC).

The Linux 2.6 Kernel: Cracking the Code

You could say the Linux kernel is on the cusp of adulthood -- like a teenager about to reach voting age.

House panel OKs Net obligations bill

A congressional bill that would impose strict new obligations on American tech companies doing business with "Internet-restricting countries" like China cleared its first hurdle to becoming law on Thursday.

Mysql Gets Lit

If you work with MySQL for a living -- or for fun, for that matter -- there's a new magazine in the works that you might find interesting. It's called Tabula: The MySQL Journal, and judging from the description its publisher posted online last week, it's going to be a first-rate operation.

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Podcast - Part 1

In this episode: listener feedback, including how to install flash and java in DSL; downloading and booting Ubuntu Linux 6.06 “Dapper Drake”; a discussion of the Ubuntu GNOME desktop environment, including a look at Nautilus, the GNOME file manager; a review of how to install additional packages from the Ubuntu Add/Remove Applications tool and the Synaptic package manager.

Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 Community Test Day Tomorrow

In preparation for the release of the first Mozilla Firefox 2.0 beta early next month, a Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 Community Test Day will take place tomorrow. Interested members of the Mozilla community will be invited to test the upgrade process from Firefox 1.5 to a pre-Firefox 2.0 nightly build. Testers will be encouraged to try upgrading with a variety extensions installed, some of which are compatible with the latest 2.0 nightlies and some of which are not.

["Tomorrow" is today. -- grouch]

10 GNU/GPL programs you can't live without

In this download, we introduce you to 10 GNU/GPL programs you can't do without if your operating system of choice is UNIX-based.

Magnolia Open Source CMS Updated

Magnolia 3.0 is out the door. A "commercial open-source" project, Magnolia integrates web content management (CMS) and document management (DMS) through a single, web-based, AJAX-powered user interface.

Emacs tips: More fun with outlines

In an earlier article, I covered the basics of making outlines in Emacs, but there's a lot more that you can do with them. In this article I'll show how to export and print outlines, customize outline heading line colors, and use outline mode's special features in everyday documents -- such as numbered lists, traditional outlines with Roman numerals, and even book manuscripts containing chapter and section headings.

Translate Haskell into English Manually

Write a program in Haskell that translates C type declarations into English.

Implement MySQL-based transactions with a new set of PHP ...

Transactional support has long been on the wish list of most MySQL developers and, with the release of MySQL 4.0, this wish was finally granted. Not long after MySQL 4.0, PHP 5.x was released with a new MySQL extension, MySQL Improved, which allowed PHP developers to access these new transactional capabilities using native PHP functions. This brief tutorial will show you how to use these MySQLi functions to implement MySQL-based transactions with PHP.

Quinn’s Revenge

Why the state may finally be poised to stick it to Microsoft

Six months after political territorialism and big-money lobbying threatened to ice Massachusetts’s first-in-the-nation adoption of OpenDocument standards, the revolutionary (and unbearably geeky) tech proposal is, amazingly enough, still alive. Pretty much, anyway.

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