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Mitchell Hashimoto Talks About His Superpower and Why You Should Find Yours

HashiCorp's Mitchell Hashimoto tells IT Pro how he got started in software, about the acceptance of open source by the enterprise, and why he recently changed hats from CEO to CTO at the company he founded.

Starting a Career as an Open Source Developer

It's common knowledge that companies are looking for developers with open source skills -- but how do you help them find you?

DDOS Attack On Internet Infrastructure

There's been another big DDOS attack, this time against the infrastructure of the Internet. It began at 7:10 a.m. EDT today against Dyn, a major DNS host, and was brought under control at 9:36 a.m. Many of the sites affected are among the most trafficked on the web, and included CNN, Twitter, PayPal, Pinterest and Reddit to name a few. The developer community was also touched, as GitHub was also made unreachable.

Nino Vraneši?: Open Source Advocate and Mozilla Rep in Slovenia

What's it like to advocate for open source and be a rep for Mozilla in Slovenia? Nino Vraneši? tells all.

Linux Foundation Takes JavaScript Under Its Wings

The JS Foundation is now a Linux Foundation Project. The news came on Monday, first as an announcement on the Linux Foundation's website, and then announced from the podium at the first day of Oscon Europe in London. "JS," of course, stands for "JavaScript," and as any web developer will tell you, it's an essential part of almost all modern websites.

Red Hat Makes Ansible Galaxy Open Source

DevOps just got a little easier for some, now that Red Hat has open sourced Ansible Galaxy, Ansible's official community hub for sharing Ansible Roles.

They Said Nobody in Jordan Knew About Linux but They Were Wrong

In this story, "Roblimo" takes us back to 2002, to an open source conference in a country where the common belief was that "nobody knew anything about Linux." Boy, were they in for a surprise.

Pixel Takes Raspbian to the Next Level

Raspbian, the Raspberry Pi's most well known distro, has an exciting new look and feel with Pixel.

Federal Judge Says Alice 'Death Knell for Software Patents.'

A strongly worded concurring opinion by a Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit judge doesn't mean that software patents are going away, but might raise the bar for enforcing software patents through the courts.

Open Source Explained in Less Than Three Minutes

Free Code Camp is an organization that teaches people to code. As part of this free training, student coders produce free code needed by nonprofit organizations. Free Code Camp doesn’t accept donations, but you can support them by buying t-shirts, hoodies and audiobooks through their store.

Homicide Commits Suicide, HP Says It’s Sorry & More…

Also included: Judge seems to make software patents illegal, Mageia mourns a contributor, Yakkety Yak frozen, KDE's new release, and getting ready for All Things Open.

Charlie Reisinger: FOSS in Education Proponent…and Practitioner

Resinger figures that by using free and open source platforms such as Moodle and WordPress instead of proprietary options, his school district is saving something like $40,000 a year. As the clickbait headline might read, what he said next will amaze you.

FU Yahoo!

It appears as if Yahoo has become the pet rodent of the U.S. spooks. To paraphrase: A rat by any other name…

Fedora Warns Against ‘dnf update’ in Graphical Environment

Users of Fedora 24 might want to put any update plans on hold until this bug issue is resolved.

Aditya Mukerjee: Crossing the Language Divide in Open Source

It’s easy for those of us in the US to become chauvinistic about our language. Our country is geographically huge, making it easy to think of the whole world as English speaking. Obviously, it isn’t.

‘We’re From Microsoft and We’ve Been Remotely Watching Your Computer’

It’s getting harder and harder to scam little old ladies these days. They’ll just up and switch to Linux on you.

Tux Paint Needs Mac Devs, Firefox OS Ends & More…

Also included: Debian developer Kristoffer H. Rose passes, two new distro releases, Apricity OS adds 32-bit, Canonical gets Kubernetes, Snapcraft gets a new release and getting ready for All Things Open.

Canonical Brings Kubernetes to Ubuntu

Canonical has worked with Google to bring its own version of the open source container tool, Kubernetes, to its Linux distribution.

Endless OS 3: Linux for the Net Less

This Ubuntu-based Linux distribution provides the Internet for those who don't have 24x7 access to the net.

Addressing the IoT Security Problem

Last week's DDOS takedown of security guru Brian Krebs' website made history on several levels. For one, it was the largest such reported attack ever, with unwanted traffic to the site hitting levels of 620 Gbps, more than double the previous record set back in 2013, and signalling that the terabyte threshold will certainly be crossed soon. It also relied primarily on compromised Internet of Things devices.

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