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Vyatta changes the networking game

Got a spare server sitting around? Nothing fancy - 512 Megs of RAM and a 1.8 GHz processor will work fine. Now, want to turn that into a networking box? The equivalent of a Cisco or Juniper router with 1 Gbps capacity? That's the promise of the Vyatta 2501, shipping today at LinuxWorld. Itâ??s almost beside the point to mention it's all open source. I chatted about all this last week with vice president of strategy Dave Roberts, the company's vice president of strategy.

Promise announces Linux support for its product portfolio

Promise Technology Inc., a global supplier of RAID storage solutions for enterprise and SMB customers, announced Monday Linux support for its products as an important extension of its Linux business strategy. Promise has supported Linux product development with storage solutions ranging from the desktop to the datacenter and unified by a common management interface. Linux users can count 24/7 technical support as a benefit to the range of Promise's VTrak and SuperTrak Linux storage solutions.

Firefox Wraps Tail Around Ogg Video Format

Mozilla Latest News about Mozilla Foundation is making a move toward open Web standards with its upcoming Firefox 3.1 release. The software -- now available in test builds -- will support the Ogg Theora video codec, the company revealed at its summit in British Columbia last week. The inclusion of the Ogg Theora codec means users will no longer have to download plug-ins or use JavaScript to play Theora video content. The platform, though, is far from ubiquitous: While it is used on sites such as Wikimedia Commons, other sites utilizing more popular video solutions such as Adobe's (Nasdaq: ADBE) Latest News about Adobe Flash still require proprietary software to operate.

LinuxWorld: Showcasing the OS in data centers, mobile devices, e-voting

The 10th annual LinuxWorld Conference & Expo and its partner Next Generation Data Center Conference kick off today at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, where the open-source operating system will be the center of attention for enterprise users, vendors and IT enthusiasts. Running through Thursday, the show will include several new events this year.

Viewing contents of online archives with ArchView extension

ArchView is a Firefox extension that allows you to open archive (ZIP and RAR) and ISO CD-ROM image files on the Web over HTTP or FTP without downloading them first. That means that if you only want a few files from an ISO image, you no longer have to download the entire archive in order to get just those files.

Why Free Software has poor usability, and how to improve it

When I wrote the first version of this article six years ago, I called it "Why Free Software usability tends to suck". The best open source applications and operating systems are more usable now than they were then. But this is largely from slow incremental improvements, and low-level competition between projects and distributors. Major problems with the design process itself remain largely unfixed. Many of these problems are with volunteer software in general, not Free Software in particular. Hobbyist proprietary programs are often hard to use for many of the same reasons. But the easiest way of getting volunteers to contribute to a program is to make it open source. And while thousands of people are now employed in developing Free Software, most of its developers are volunteers. So it's in Free Software that we see volunteer software's usability problems most often.

Teaching tech to tots: The use of Linux and open source in pre-schools

What started as wondering how to contribute to my 5 year old sonâ??s pre-school lead to the discovery of some absolutely terrific open source software that really aids the educational process. Hereâ??s why even in this Microsoft world Linux is the best platform for early childhood education.

Movial Joins LiMo Foundation(TM) and Opens Source Code to Linux Mobile Community

Movial, the company that inspires rich, intuitive Internet experiences, today announced it has joined LiMo Foundation, the global consortium of mobile leaders delivering an open handset platform for the whole mobile industry. As part of its commitment to the Linux mobile community, Movial has also unveiled it is open sourcing an innovative technology, Browser D-Bus Bridge, that enables Web developers and designers, operators and device manufacturers for the first time ever, to easily create extremely capable User Interfaces (UI) that transform Web widgets into seamless user driven mobile applications providing new, value-added and differentiated services and superior user experiences.

Kernel Log: New Nvidia drivers are still slow, Linux soon

Nvidia has released new proprietary GeForce drivers; Version 173.14.12 of the drivers for x86-32 and x96-64 now support the GeForce 8600 GS while fixing bugs in OpenGL, SDL support and the configuration tool. 2D performance problems with the newer GeForce graphics cards, discussed in many forums and blogs are not addressed with this update. Some applications which use Cairo or newer QT versions can feel like they are running on a several year old PC, even when it is actually on a quick system. This is especially apparent when rendering complex web pages with Firefox 3 or using Compiz and KDE 4.

Grid Dynamics Demonstrates Linear Scalability up to 512 Nodes with GridGain Software on Amazon EC2 Cloud

Following up on their recently announced partnership, Grid Dynamics and GridGain teamed up to develop the largest publicly known grid scalability test for Amazon EC2. The results published by Grid Dynamics on 08-04-2008 demonstrate linear scalability up to 512 nodes on Monte Carlo simulation problem when GridGain and Amazon EC2 are used together. This test paves the way for the companies to run large-scale parallel computations "on the cloud" to achieve dramatic price/performance improvements over in-house grids. Monte Carlo simulation problem was chosen for its wide use in the financial applications. The test utilized full open source software stack, including GridGain, Linux operating system, Sun's Open MQ JMS messaging and Sun's Java 5 VM.

ACCESS Announces NetFront Browser Widgets on ACCESS Linux Platform, Support for Mobile Internet Devices

ACCESS CO., LTD., a global provider of advanced software technologies to the mobile and beyond-PC markets, today announced it is extending the functionality of ACCESS Linux Platform with the addition of NetFront(TM) Browser Widgets for mobile handsets and consumer electronics, and support for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). With these new capabilities, businesses can quickly implement a wide range of widget services and deploy products in a new category of Internet-savvy mobile devices, based on ACCESS Linux Platform.

Better Than Beach Reading: A Linux Starter Kit

Ah, August. It's the beginning of the end of summer, and the time when we must all start shaking the sand out of our ears once more. The real world wants us back! Activity on the Linux blogs was understandably light last week, with some of the most notable discussions focusing on the release of KDE 4.1 (generating a fair buzz on Slashdot) and -- somewhat more curiously -- the state of Lindependence 2008, which brought forth a lively Microsoft vs. The World debate on LXer. We may revisit the Lindependence topic another day -- it's just too good to pass up -- but for this week, we here at LinuxInsider felt it our duty to help those who are fed up with Redmond to find their way to Linux. This is August -- a month of transition and new beginnings, after all -- so what better time for geeks who have been lost on the dark side to come over to the Light that is Linux? Read on, then, for a starter kit, of sorts, that will show the way to Linuxy salvation ...

OSS a good choice for SMEs

Open source software is a viable option for small and medium-sized (SME) businesses because of its flexibility and scalability. This is according to Synaq MD, Yossi Hasson. Hasson says that it is time for open source software to lose its “geek” image and be deployed more widely in the SME sector. “It’s extremely effective in the workplace,” says Hasson, citing his own company which is a 15-person organisation that runs almost everything on open source software. The only exception is the company’s accounting system.

EEEBuntu: Ubuntu for the EEE PC

Recently I have been pondering whether to buy the eee pc 1000 for university work. Being a massive Ubuntu fan the first thought that came into my mind was can I install Ubuntu on it. The answer is yes, however there are a few issues. But do not worry, some good people have come together to create eeeBuntu. This is a modified version of Ubuntu, more suited for the eee pc.

Linux preinstalls rocket to three per cent

The number of machines shipped with Linux preloaded on them has multiplied a whopping 28 times since Microsoft launched its Vista operating system in January 2007. Sounds impressive, but Linux was starting from a rather small base in traditional sales channels: of all PCs sold in the UK last January through indirect channels, a feeble 0.1 per cent had Linux preloaded, according to numbers given to us by market research firm Context. The Linux share of this route to market has edged up ever since the Vista launch. Then it broke the two per cent barrier in May after the latest release of Ubuntu, the strain of Linux most capable of kicking Microsoft in the shins.

darcs: a study in communication failure

The darcs revision control system has all but lost out to git within the past few months. A rather large part of the reason is a rushed and very poorly worded release announcement, following a rather long (I'm told 4 years; I haven't been aware of it that long, which itself is perhaps ominous) post-1.0 silence from the darcs developers. The truth of the matter is only now becoming clear.

Hi BIOS! My Name Is “Linux”, Or Is It?

A couple of days ago, I read this on Matthew Garrette’s blog, where he tells us about a vendor’s BIOS trying to figure out the OS type/version and setting things around on deciding the OS it is running. The call in question was _OSI(“Linux”). He goes on to say that the action the firmware takes, on finding out if the OS is linux, was probably inaccurate and it was good that linux kernel DOES NOT identify itself as “Linux” and returns false for the _OSI(“Linux”) and instead returns true when probed for Windows. That got me thinking, the first thought being that isn’t this a BIG flaw in the kernel. But “Never make judgements straightaway”, I have learnt in the past. So, thought about reading it a bit more. After some googling around, I came to know the sound reasoning behind the decision.

Microsoft's annual report: A study in open-source awareness...and ignorance

In reading through Microsoft's annual report, I am struck by how far the company has come in appreciating the threat that open source brings to Redmond. I'm also shocked by just how ill-informed the company continues to be with regard to open source as a business strategy. Steve Ballmer has revealed this before in his quips about "Open source won't pay our bills," but here Microsoft has managed to enshrine its ignorance in a public document.

Free Software leader slams NZ copyright

The leader of the Free Software movement, Richard Stallman, is calling New Zealand’s copyright laws unjust and plans to use an upcoming tour of the country to rouse opposition to them. Stallman, the founder of the GNU project and of the Free Software Foundation, says New Zealand’s copyright laws place restrictions on distributing certain free software packages. Specifically, these enable users to “escape from digital handcuffs (also known as Digital Restrictions Management or DRM)”, he says. “New Zealand’s law does not go as far as the DMCA in the US, but it is unjust nonetheless,” he says.

Using GNOME Evolution with a huge IMAP mailbox

I've been struggling with various mail clients to deal with my huge IMAP mailbox which contains about 200k messages. I did't want to split it into more than one. It's not my job but an e-mail client's job; see what GMail does! Although Opera Mail does a great job on dealing with such a big IMAP mailbox, it lacks a couple critical features which make me have a difficulty in organizing my messages. I have missed Evolution virtual folders especially. Before I give up again and stick to Opera Mail, I decided to give a try to various IMAP-to-Maildir synchronization tools: isync and OfflineIMAP.

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