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Why I’m Not a Full-Throttle FOSS Advocate

"Software Freedom" shouldn't mean "use free software or else." It should mean you are free to use the software you choose.

DuckDuckGo Ups Ante: Gives $300K to 'Raise the Standard of Trust'

For the seventh year in a row, the search engine that promises not to stalk your online moves puts its money where its mouth is, this year by donating $300,000 to organizations that work towards online privacy.

‘Think WordPress’ Documentary Trailer

  • FOSS Force; By Phil Shapiro (Posted by brideoflinux on Feb 15, 2017 12:12 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Video
While Linux runs the Internet, it's the free and open source content management platform WordPress that runs most of the websites we visit to stay informed and entertained.

No, OpenSUSE and SUSE Downloads Haven’t Been Hacked

No matter what you might have heard or read, it appears as if last week's defacement of openSUSE's news site didn't affect download images of either openSUSE or SLES.

Night in the Woods Improving Games by Open Sourcing Code

"Night in the Woods," the much anticipated crowdfunded game scheduled to be released next week -- with a GNU/Linux version, BTW -- built a development community by open sourcing code.

Poverty Helps You Keep Technology Safe and Easy

  • FOSS Force; By Robin Miller (Posted by brideoflinux on Feb 10, 2017 8:07 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Humor
In the technology age, there might be some before unknown advantages to living on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. The question is, do they outweigh the disadvantages.

Back Yard Linux

It's not as lonely being a Linux user as it once was. These days you're liable to find people throughout your neighborhood using Linux.

Kurdish Group Hacks openSUSE Linux Website

There's no evidence that any real damage was done in a defacement of the Linux distro's website -- but even a "small" hack on an operating system site is cause for concern.

‘Open Source’ Is Now a Word?

So far there's been no news on Microsoft's reaction to "open source" being officially recognized by the arbiters of the English language.

Best Linux Distro Award: The Envelope Please…

For the second year in a row, Arch Linux winds both rounds in our poll to determine the winner of our Readers' Choice Award for Best Linux Distro.

Enterprise Linux's Big Three

Not so long ago, Red Hat was about the only serious option for big enterprise customers seeking to make the move to Linux. Times have changed and Red Hat is no longer the only game in town.

Oracle Policy Change Raises Prices on AWS

The change, which effectively doubles Oracle's prices for implementing its software on AWS, was put in effect quietly, with little notification to users.

Open Source Eye for the Android Guy

Android may be a free operating system, but unlike GNU/Linux, keeping it free is next to impossible if you want to make it useful.

NCSU Hosts One-Day Introduction to Open Source

Open Source 101 is an all day world-class introduction to open source for only $10 -- and the price includes lunch. Where's the profit in that?

Three Upcoming Open Source Conferences

With Open Source 101, a single day, entry level conference, almost sold-out for its inaugural run at NC State University on Saturday, I thought now would be as good a time as any to take a look at some of the open source conferences coming up this spring.

Leon Anavi’s Open Source News Vlog

One of the nice things about open source is that contributions to open source culture come from around the world. Today, I’ve been watching an informative new video blog from Leon Anavi, in Bulgaria. Leon decided to flex his muscle as a journalist. The only thing he needs in order to succeed is willing viewers.

Best Linux Distro: Final Round of Voting Has Begun

Arch Linux wins the qualifying round for the second year, followed by Linux Mint. In addition, eight distros qualified by write-in votes to be included in our final round. Now it's time to get out the vote in the all-important final round to determine the Best Linux Distro according to our readers.

The Man Who Didn’t Invent Email Attacks Free Speech

The man whose much disputed claim to have invented email when he was a 14-year-old is taking legal actions, or threatening such, against anyone who publicly disagrees with his version of history.

Take Linux From Zero to Boot in Less Than a Second

Some of us here at FOSS Force don't mind waiting for a computer to boot. It reminds us of the old days when, after turning on the TV, radio or record player, we had to wait for the tubes to warm up.

In Search of an Open Source DNS Server

You'd think that in this day and age finding a free and open DNS server would be easy, no? Evidently, not so much. That didn't keep Roblimo from finding one, however.

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