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Interview: Malcolm Yates Of Ubuntu Linux Vendor Canonical

  • Information Week; By Howard Wen (Posted by devnet on Sep 29, 2006 5:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Interview; Groups: Ubuntu
Canonical, Ltd. is the company behind Ubuntu: one of the fastest-growing Linux distros on the market today, and certainly one of the most respected among experienced Linux users. Since its inaugural release in October, 2004, Ubuntu has earned a significant and very loyal following among desktop Linux users. More recently, Canonical announced plans to make Ubuntu a player in the enterprise Linux market, including a new server release and extended support packages tailored for business users.

Get your software for free in two clicks

What does it cost to set yourself up at home with a decent computer, internet and e-mail access, plus all the software you’ll need? Buy your computer from a mainstream retailer and you’ll pay £1,000 or more. Add in the cost of the software and you might have to double that figure. But you can slash that bill, and avoid further enriching some of the world’s biggest companies.

Open source unlocks options for many businesses

  • TechWorld; By Jennifer Mears (Posted by devnet on Sep 29, 2006 12:07 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
When Tony Losey came to the 3Sixty Group in 2003 he saw that, like many small companies, the manufacturing firm didn't have much in the way of advanced systems. It was running an old ERP system on machines that dated back to 1992, there was no company intranet and executives had pushed the company's Web site, a key business driver, to an outside hosting provider.

SMB Linux Use on the Rise

  • eWeek Channel Insider; By Herman Mehling (Posted by devnet on Sep 28, 2006 4:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
A growing number of the estimated 5.8 million small and midsize businesses in the United States are buying Linux solutions, mostly from solution providers, according to research from AMI-Partners. Linux, according to AMI, of New York, is benefiting from a growing acceptance of open-source products overall.

Is Ubuntu Christian Edition Needed?

Despite good intentions and an so called "apparent need," I'd say that the developers and supporters (for Ubuntu CE) are going in the wrong direction...they're trying to repackage an already great distro and re-brand it with a label and an idea. It's not working and it's taking away from what they originally set out to accomplish.

ComputerWorld Employs Ignorant Journalists

  • Yet Another Linux Blog; By devnet (Posted by devnet on Sep 12, 2006 5:52 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
Articles like this one are so misguided. Giving you a brief overview what the article from ComputerWorld says: Open Source supporters build fortresses around them that make them unapproachable and have infinite animosity toward Microsoft. Yep, that about sums it up. I'll show you below how this article was written by a ignorant that probably is too prideful to ask for help when writing his garbage.

PCLinuxOS .93A (Big Daddy) Review

  • ExtremeTech; By Jim Lynch (Posted by devnet on Sep 5, 2006 2:47 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Plenty of Linux distributions are out there to play with, and sometimes one of the good ones slips by. I haven't paid too much attention to PCLinuxOS in the past, and it turns out I was quite remiss in not doing so.

PCLinuxOS Magazine September 2006 Initial Issue Release!

It is my privilege to announce on behalf of the team members of the PCLinuxOS Magazine Project sponsored by, the September 2006 introductory issue is available for download! We've put a lot of effort into producing a quality magazine made for the community, by the community.

Second FLOSS Usability Sprint: Extreme Usability, August 22-24, 2005

Aspiration and Blue Oxen Associates is hosting "FLOSS Usability Sprint II: Extreme Usability" on August 22-24, 2005 at 1366 Mission in San Francisco, California.

Open source vs. traditional enterprise software, part II

  • ZDNet; By Dan Farber (Posted by devnet on Aug 10, 2006 12:15 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Matt Assay responded to the Enterprise Irregulars postings, which I summarized here, on the question of whether open source will crush, extinquish, vanquish traditional, proprietary enterprise software.

[note: This is an interesting call and response from CMS developers of both proprietary systems and Open source ones - Scott]

Free and Open Source Software Development Education Materials (for Free!)

I've been asked a few times over the past month for a set of references on free and open source software by people hoping to teach or learn about the concepts and mechanics of community development. They are not interested in a business model primer, although many of the references below would be invaluable to understanding the culture for a business person interested in open source software.

ClarkConnect - Enterprise Linux for Your Home

  • Yet Another Linux Blog; By devnet (Posted by devnet on Jul 25, 2006 9:41 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux; Story Type: News Story
Ever wonder how you could get a solid Security Enhanced Enterprise Grade Linux Router/Server with ftp, apache, traffic shaping, pop-up blocker, content filter, intrusion detection/prevention, and other nice handy tools that every robust server should have...and here's the kicker...installed and running in about 30 minutes in your home?

Perspective is as Perspective Does

Perspective. It's what separates one opinion from another. A person who looks at a glass that is half empty may be despondent but a person who looks at a glass half full may be full of joy. I like to think "Hey! Who the hell put that glass on this table anyway?". We all have different ideas that shape who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Often, these ideas blend into our interests and hobbies. With free and open source software (namely Linux) we see this frequently...especially when debating on the subject of libre and free.

Host Your Own Domain and Webserver using Apache

Doesn't sound like anything new right? Well, some people may not know of this method. To host your own webpage you don't need to spend 7 bucks for a domain. You don't need to get a hosting plan. You absolutely do not need to get domain name services through a provider. You can even host your own webserver using a dialup connection (that's right...I said dialup) although I don't recommend it (but I've done it using 56.6kbps).

EFF Patent Busting Project

Tired of bogus software patents? So are we! To combat these annoying and often dangerous legal weapons, EFF has launched the Patent Busting Project to take down some of worst offenders.

Office 2007 Preview, Powered by Linux

  • The Smarter Alternative to Email; By Arun Kumar (Posted by devnet on Jun 30, 2006 10:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Humor; Groups: Linux, Microsoft
Who woulda thunk it? The new Office 2007 Preview online demo is being served up from an Apache/Linux box!

[Gotta admit, it is kind of funny! - dcparris]

5 Unique Tips for New Ubuntu Users

  • Yet Another Linux Blog; By devnet (Posted by devnet on Jun 30, 2006 7:51 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
With the popularity of Ubuntu swelling these days, one can hardly visit digg or other tech news sites without seeing a Dapper Drake or Breezy Badger (both recent titles of Ubuntu releases). Another strong indicator that Linux in general, dapper drake aside, may be seeing an influx of users is the news that Microsoft receives a call back from Windows computers daily.

Many users expressed deep concern about false positives where Microsoft receives reports that you are using a pirate copy of Windows when you are running a licensed version. Also, why not examine why WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) fits the bill for Spyware? So, what's a ticked off user to do? Give Linux the old college try, that's what!

Once Upon a Time, in DRM Land

  • Yet Another Linux Blog; By devnet (Posted by devnet on Jun 9, 2006 5:33 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
When his defense asked,"Which computer has Jon [DVD Jon] trespassed upon?" the answer was: "His own."

LinuxWorld, Powered by Windows?

Did anyone else catch this? According to The Register, the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo 2006 web page is running powered on Windows Server 2003?! That's a bit I checked things out myself by visiting netcraft. Yep, they sure are. Very odd. You'd think that someone who runs a Linux website would make sure that the host they went with and the designers they hired to do the website were Linux people instead of Windows. In fact, if it were me, I'd make damn sure I did it that way., a PCLinuxOS Community Project Site Launches

RICHMOND, VA 27 March 2006 –, the newest addition to the PCLinuxOS community, is proud to announce the official launch of their website at

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