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gOS: A wake up call for Free Software marketing

"Think gOS. It might not be such a bad advice after all. It's been hyped up, but it sold out. And there may be lessons in its deployment and success for all of us Free Software and GNU/Linux advocates!"

Freedomware Gamefest 2007: Special report!

A jolt of light stroke in a dark corner of a silent arena. A ghost of the space, spectator of the event, wonders as a warrior spawns. Behold, as the corners of the arena light up in a flash and the battle cries its immediacy through a hundred beeps of the warrior souls connecting and communicating.. "Good game and good luck."

It's not the Internet anymore

It's important that we remember what makes the Internet so interesting and unique. There are two crucial characteristics: 1. It's fundamentally decentralized, meaning you can cut out any part without affecting the rest, 2. It allows freedom of access, meaning you have the same ability to access and write it as anyone else. Because they permit extraordinary flexibility and rapid growth, both of these characteristics have brought the Internet way beyond any other network. Today, they are endangered. How come, and what can we do about it?

So how does a non-gamer organize a gaming festival?

"Each one of us is just a link in the chain, just a node in a network. Each contributes what we can to build something larger than ourselves."

Freedomware Gamefest 2007 presents: Tremulous

Tremulous is probably the biggest among Freedomware Gamefest 2007 tournaments. It is a rather unique kind of a Free first person shooter (FPS) as the game involves a war between two races, humans and an alien race whose name still remains unknown. The alien race is quite different from humans, and reminds quite a bit of aliens you could see in Alien vs. Predator movies and games.

Freedomware Gamefest 2007 presents: OpenArena and Nexuiz

Blood pumping, action packed, fast paced and merciless are just some of the words we can use to describe these two incredible first person shooters that are 100% Free Software.

Freedomware Gamefest 2007 presents: Armagetron Advanced

For a while an unlikely entry in this year's FPS-dominated Freedomware Gamefest, Armagetron Advanced is coming up strong! It is the most unique of all games we have a tournament for. New players could mistake it for "snake in 3D", but it is so much more.

Freedomware Gamefest 2007: Let the games begin!

We are excited to make the final preliminary announcement of Freedomware Gamefest 2007, a first international online event featuring a multitude of tournaments as part of a single happening and with games that are only Free Software.

Too many free operating systems? I don't think so.

Some people say that there are too many GNU/Linux distributions, too many people just doing their own instead of joining an existing effort. In essence their criticism is towards the fact that so many people in the Free Software community actually take their freedom and pursue their dreams instead of finding their place in somebody else's vision. Sometimes the criticism is pointed towards those who duplicate a lot of the effort, just for a few small modifications. They are for consolidation. They want to build a cathedral out of the bazaar.

Free Software that helps you take control of your mobile phone

Imagine coming home from work and instead of plugging your phone to a wall where it will just dully wait to be recharged, plug it to your computer via USB and make a few phone calls, send a few SMS messages or tidy up your phone book all by using your computer keyboard and mouse, rather than that tiny phone keypad! GNU/Linux and other Freedomware platforms have at least three user friendly software programs which allow you to do this, with varying capabilities and relatively good user friendliness. So let's see what they can do!

A blueprint proposal for Libervis 2008 (becoming agenda-less)

"A "truly open and welcoming" community with an agenda is a contradiction. That is what largely is today and changing that fact is at the core of the blueprint proposal for the next revision of"

In need of software reform

"There needs to be a reform in how software purchases are counted. I originally wrote a paper called "The Open Letter to the Gaming Industry" where I outlined many points of interest that need to be reformed in order for the gaming industry to allow for greater competition. I did not, however, publish this paper because I never finished it. But, there is one major point that I continually address that needs to be changed."

What really should be a major focus for fedora developers

"This is one of the things which I feel is really hurting Linux... the inability to properly upgrade a distribution. Fedora and Ubuntu both have a 6 month time frame with releases, thats two versions a year. One would think that they would make upgrading as flawless as possible."

Should we really be *happy* about AMD's release of specs?

"It is AMDs duty to release both specifications and drivers for their cards. It is the ONLY ethical and fair thing to do. So to be happy that they released specs is like a chained man being happy for having its one arm being unchained even though the other is still tight under lock."

Consumer-control industry and their security damnation

By some ironic fortune, proprietary vendors like Apple and Microsoft will likely always suffer this damnation that their consumer-control inspired proprietary nature always brings with itself: security problems - exactly the thing they claim to prevent by being so control obsessed. You can stay damned with them or you can break free.

Tux Project gets behind the Freedomware Gamefest 2007

The Tux Project and REVELinux are declaring their support for the gamefest, including a couple of graphic artists Landy DeField (land0, author of the New Blue Amarok iconset) and Janet Theobroma (author of the KDE 3.5 default wallpaper). We have the official name now and a promotional web site is coming too. Stay tuned. :)

Freedomware Gaming Festival is about fun, not size

Nobody has done this before in a Free Software world, so we could cut this idea some slack and perhaps consider it a prototype of bigger events to come in years ahead. Be it 20 people or 200, this can still be a hell of a party. All we need is to set aside the prejudice and join in!

The Security of Free Software

With this article I want to point out how Free Software provides a secure environment and how important the community is. Security is not only limited to "technology to keep crackers away from your data", but it also is about secured freedom.

Where are the Free Software Women?

  • Taco Buitenhuis' blog,; By Taco Buitenhuis (Posted by Libervis on Oct 4, 2007 6:16 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
"Today I found an excellent small website about the gender imbalance in Free software. There's been a lot about the topic on the linux/free software news sites too. Large parts of the free software community are rather hostile towards women, as unfortunately is usual in communities with a huge male majority. Which then prevents the community from becoming balanced because it will be unattractive to women."

The first Freedomware Gaming Festival warming up!

After more than 20 players already signed up to participate, we are issuing the final call for players on all platforms, be it Windows, GNU/Linux or Mac OS, to join us as we commence with the first Freedomware Gaming Festival!

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