Showing headlines posted by ostechnix
« Previous ( 1 ... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ... 50 ) Next »How To Create And Launch Ubuntu VMs With Multipass On Linux
This guide explains what is Multipass and how to create and launch Ubuntu VMs with Multipass instantly in a matter of seconds in Linux.
How To Change KVM Libvirt Default Storage Pool Location In Linux
This guide explains how to change KVM libvirt default storage pool location using Virsh program, Virt-manager and Cockpit in Linux.
How To Retrieve Latest Mirror List Using Reflector In Arch Linux
This tutorial explains what is Reflector and how to retrieve latest mirror list in Arch Linux using Reflector.
How To Check The Runlevel In Linux
This brief guide explains what is a runlevel, how many runlevels are there in Linux and how to check the runlevel in Linux operating systems.
How To Find The List Of Installed Repositories From Commandline In Linux
This brief tutorial explains how to find the list of installed repositories from command line in different Linux operating systems.
How To Manage KVM Virtual Machines With Virt-Manager
This article describes what is Virt-manager and how to manage KVM virtual machines with Virt-manager in Linux.
How To Install Paru AUR Helper In Arch Linux
This guide explains what is Paru AUR helper, and how to install Paru AUR helper in Arch Linux, and how to install AUR packages using Paru.
How To Enable Parallel Downloading In Pacman In Arch Linux
Pacman version 6 is shipped with parallel downloads support. Here is how to enable parallel downloading in Pacman in Arch Linux
Vagrant Up Hangs When Mounting NFS Shared Folders – How To Fix?
This brief guide explains how to fix if vagrant up hangs when mounting NFS shared folders in Linux operating system.
Share And Control Terminals In Real Time From Web Browser
This guide explains what is TermPair, how it works and how to share and control Terminals from web browser in real-time with end-to-end encryption using TermPair in Linux.
How To Reset Root Password In MySQL 8 On Ubuntu Linux
Did you forget MySQL root password? This step by step guide explains how to reset root password in MySQL 8 on Ubuntu 20.04 operating systems.
How To Change Authentication Method For MySQL Root User In Ubuntu
This guide explains why and how to change authentication method for MySQL root user in Ubuntu Linux operating system.
How To Manage Nodejs Versions With n In Linux
This guide explains what is n, the node version manager and how to easily manage nodejs versions with n in Linux operating systems.
How to configure database connection using environment variable in Rails application in Linux
This guide explains why you need to use an environment variable to connect to a database and how to configure database connection using environment variable in Rails application in Linux.
How To Use MySQL With Ruby On Rails Application In Linux
Sqlite, the default database for Ruby on Rails, may not be sufficient for your Rails application. This guide explains how to use MySQL with Ruby on Rails application in Linux.
How To Use PostgreSQL With Ruby On Rails Application In Linux
SQLite is not enough for handling large Rails applications. This guide explains how to use PostgreSQL with Ruby on Rails application in Ubuntu Linux.
Integrate AppImages to Application menu using AppImageLauncher in Linux
This guide explains what is AppImageLauncher and how to integrate AppImages to application menu using AppImageLauncher utility in Linux.
Create Bootable USB Drives And SD Cards With Etcher In Linux
This guide explains what is Etcher and how to create bootable USB drives and SD cards with Etcher in Linux operating systems.
How To Install Ruby On Rails In Linux
This guide gives you a brief introduction to Ruby on Rails and then walks you through the steps to install Ruby on Rails in Linux.
How To Install And Use Yarn Package Manager In Linux
In this tutorial, we will discuss what is Yarn, how to install Yarn package manager in Linux and finally we will take a look at the basic usage of Yarn.
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